books by subject
16th-18th Century Poetry

The English Poems (Everymans Classic Library)

Lazarillo de Tormes: (La Vida de Lazarillo de Tormes Y de Sus Fortunas Y Adversidades) (Aris & Phillips Hispanic Classics)

Lord Rochester's Monkey Being The Life Of John Wilmot, Second Earl Of Rochester

Faerie Queene: Bk. 1

The Nation's Favourite Shakespeare (The Nation's Favourite)

One Equall Light: An Anthology of the Writings of John Donne: An Anthology of Writings by John Donne

The Concise Pepys (Classics of World Literature)

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Classics of World Literature)

The Turkish Embassy Letters

The Complete English Poems (Everyman's Library Classics)

The Prince and The Art of War (Collector's Library)

Robert Burns: 16 (EVERYMAN POETRY)

Complete English Poems (Everyman's Library)

The Poems of Alexander Pope. A One Volume Edition of the TWICKENHAM POPE.

The RSC Shakespeare: The Complete Works

Marlowe: Complete Poems (Everyman Paperbacks)

The Poems of St. John of the Cross

Oroonoko, the Rover and Other Works (Penguin Classics)

The Art of War

Lyrical Ballads: With A Few Other Poems (Penguin Classics: Poetry First Editions)

Directions to Servants (Syrens S.)

Selected Poems (Thrift Editions) (Dover Thrift Editions)

The Rights Of Man: Paine : The Rights Of Man (Everyman)

The Analysis of Beauty (Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art)

Elizabethan Sonnets (Everyman's Library)

The Complete Poems

Samuel Johnson: Selected Poetry and Prose

Collected Works

Travels Through France and Italy