books by subject
19th Century

Keats and Embarrassment

The Shepherd's Calendar (Phoenix 60p paperbacks)

Victorian Sensation: Or the Spectacular, the Shocking and the Scandalous in Nineteenth-Century Britain (Anthem Nineteenth-Century Series)

Selected Poems (Fyfield Books)
Benjamin the Waggoner (The Cornell Wordsworth)

A History of Kitchen Gardening

The Japan Diaries of Richard Gordon Smith

A Preface to Wordsworth (Preface Books)

Plains Women: Women in the American West (Women in History)

John Keats

Keats: Selected Poems (Everyman)

Wordsworth and "The Recluse"

John Clare: Major Works

The Portable Oscar Wilde(Rev.Edition): Revised Edition (Portable Library)

Hopkins: A Literary Biography

On the Genealogy of Morals: A Polemic. By way of clarification and supplement to my last book Beyond Good and Evil (Oxford World's Classics)

Selected Poetry (World's Classics)

Hard Times (World's Classics S.)

The Poetry of Keats

Critical Studies: The Poetry of William Wordsworth


Selected Prose (Classics)

Selected Poems (Penguin Classics)

Robert Browning: The Poems: Volume 1