books by subject
19th Century Poetry

Gray's Anatomy: The Classic 1860 Edition

Science and Culture: Popular and Philosophical Essays

Horatius Keeps The Bridge (Phoenix 60p paperbacks)

Lochinvar (Phoenix 60p paperbacks)

Elizabeth Barrett Browning (Illustrated Poets)

Book of Urizen

Poems And Prophecies: William Blake

Dickinson (Everyman's library Pocket Poets)

The Hound Of Heaven (Phoenix 60p paperbacks)

Poems of Thomas Hardy (Red Classics)

Punch Lines: 150 Years of Humorous Writing in "Punch"

The Poems


The Broadview Anthology of Victorian Poetry and Poetic Theory: Concise Edition

Petits Poemes En Prose (Le Spleen De Paris)
Yeats: the Poems

To A Sky-Lark (Phoenix 60p paperbacks)

The Ballad of Reading Gaol (Phoenix 60p paperbacks - the literature of passion)

Plays, Prose Writings And Poems (Everyman's Library Classics)

Oscar Wilde: An Illustrated Anthology (Great Writers S.)

The Illustrated Poets: W. B. Yeats: The Last Romantic (Illustrated Poets S.)

Selected Poems of Christina Rossetti (Wordsworth Poetry Library)

Works of William Blake

The Sayings of Charlotte Bronte (Duckworth Sayings Series)

Robert Burns (Illustrated Poets)

American Notes

Joy and Enthusiasm

Modernism: An Anthology of Sources and Documents

The Quangle Wangle's Hat