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A Level Books

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OCR A2 Biology Student Book and Exam Cafe CD

By Sue Hocking

OCR AS Revise Chemistry A - New edition

By Helen Eccles, Mike Wooster, Rob Ritchie

OCR AS Chemistry A Student Book and Exam Cafe CD-ROM (OCR GCE Chemistry A)

By Rob Richie, David Gent

OCR AS Biology Student Book and Exam Cafe CD-ROM

By Frank Sochacki, Peter Kennedy, Sue Hocking

Edexcel AS and A Level Modular Mathematics - Further Pure Mathematics 1

By Keith Pledger et al

Edexcel AS and A Level Modular Mathematics - Core Mathematics 3

By Keith Pledger

Edexcel AS History, Unit 1: Pursuing Life and Liberty: Equality in the USA, 1945-1968

By Bunce, Robin, Gallagher, Laura

OCR AS Biology Student Book and Exam Cafe CD-ROM

By Frank Sochacki, Peter Kennedy, Sue Hocking

Advancing Maths for AQA: Statistics 1 2nd Edition (S1)

By Roger Williamson, Gill Buque, Jim Miller, Chris Worth

Edexcel GCE History: Russia in Revolution, 1881-1924: From Autocracy to Dictatorship

By Derrick Murphy

Edexcel GCE History: Stalin's Russia 1924-1953

By Robin Bunce, Laura Williams

Edexcel GCE History: From Kaiser to Fuhrer: Germany 1900-45

By Collier, Martin

OCR A2 Biology Student Book and CD-ROM

By Hocking, Sue

OCR AS PE Revision Guide

By Ken Mackreth, David Carnell, John Ireland, Sarah Van Wely, Claire Miller

Edexcel AS and A Level Modular Mathematics Mechanics 1 M1

By Keith Pledger, Hamilton, Alwyn

OCR AS Economics Student Book

By Colin Bamford, Susan Grant

Advancing Maths for AQA: Pure Core 1 & 2 2nd Edition (C1 & C2) (AQA Advancing Maths)

By Boardman, Sam

Edexcel A2 Biology Revision Guide (Edexcel GCE Biology)

By Skinner, Gary, Harbord, Robin, Lees, Ed

Edexcel AS Biology Student Book (Edexcel A Level Sciences): Students' Book with ActiveBook

By Fullick, Ann, Fullick, Patrick, Howarth, Sue, Mr Patrick, Mrs Sue

Revise AS for Salters New Edition

By Johnston, Lesley, Newton, Dave, Otter, Chris, Thorpe, Alasdair, Stephenson, Kay, Lesley Johnston, Dave Newton, Chris Otter, Alasdair Thorpe, Kay Stephenson, Ms Lesley, Mr Dave, Mr Chris, Mr Alasdair

Salters Nuffield Advanced Biology AS Student Book (Edexcel A Level Sciences)

By University of York Science Education Group, (UYSEG), Nuffield, Curriculum Centre, UYSEG) University of York Science Education Group, Curriculum Centre Nuffield

Revision Express AS and A2 English Language

By Mr Alan Gardiner, Alan Gardiner

OCR AS Philosophy and Ethics Student Book (OCR GCE Religious Studies Ethics 2008)

By Ina Taylor, Chris Eyre, Richard Knight

A Level Economics for Edexcel

By Anderton, Alain, Mr Alain Anderton

Edexcel AS and A Level Modular Mathematics - Mechanics 2

By Pledger, Keith, Keith Pledger

Edexcel AS Biology Revision Guide (Edexcel GCE Biology)

By Skinner, Gary, Winrow-Campbell, Stephen, Dunkerton, John

Revise Edexcel AS and A Level Modular Mathematics - Core Mathematics 2

By Pledger, Keith Et Al, Keith Pledger

Edexcel AS and A Level Modular Mathematics - Statistics 2

By Keith Pledger, Alan Clegg

Edexcel AS and A Level Modular Mathematics: Core Mathematics 1

By Keith Pledger et al

Edexcel AS and A Level Modular Mathematics - Core Mathematics 2 (C2)

By Pledger, Keith, Keith Pledger et al