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Accident & Emergency Medicine

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Mosby's Paramedic Refresher and Review: A Case-Studies Approach

By Dalton RN NREMT-P MS CNS, Alice Twink

Pediatric Education for Prehospital Professionals

By AAP - American Academy of Pediatrics

Emergency Medicine: An Illustrated Colour Text, 1e

By Atkinson BSc(Hons) MB BCh BAO MRCP FCEM CFEU, Paul, Kendall BSc (Hons) MBBS FRCS FCEM CFEU, Richard, van Rensburg MBBCH FRCS(Orth), Lee

Introduction to Emergency Medicine

By Elizabeth Mitchell, Ron Medzon

Evidence Based Emergency ENT Care

By Tristam Lesser, Sankalap Tandon, Paula S Mitchell


By Fairbank, Jeremy

Managing Obstetric Emergencies and Trauma: The MOET Course Manual

By Paterson-Brown, Sara

Clinical Cardiovascular Medicine In (Fundamentals of Anaesthesia and Acute Medicine)

By Coriat, Pierre

Self-assessment for the Mcem Part C (Oxford Specialty Training)

By Thorpe, Rebecca, Chapman, Simon, Blackham, Jules

Natural and Synthetic Organic Medicinal Compounds

By Salerni, O.LeRoy

Emergencies in Psychiatry

By Puri, Basant, Treasaden, Ian

Can You Hear Me?: An NHS Paramedic's Encounters with Life and Death

By Jones, JAKe


By Champion, Howard R


By Robinson, Richard

Acute Nursing Care: Recognising and Responding to Medical Emergencies

By Peate, Ian, Dutton, Helen

The Molecular and Cellular Biology of Wound Repair (The Language of Science)

By Clark, R.A.F.

Communicating out of a Crisis (MacMillan Business)

By Bland, Michael

Trauma: v. 11 (Critical Care Focus)

By Galley, Helen

Care of the Critically ill Child

By Macnab MD(London) FRCPC, Andrew J., Mcrae MBBS FRCA FRCPCH, Duncan J., Henning FRCA FFICANZCA DCH, Robert

The Body Remembers: The Psychophysiology of Trauma and Trauma Treatment (Norton Professional Books (Hardcover))

By Rothschild, Babette

Trauma Secrets

By Naude MBChB FRCS(Edin) FRCS(Glasg), Gideon, Bongard MD FACS, Frederic S., Demetriades MD PhD, Demetrios

Resuscitation in Primary Care

By Colquhoun BSc FRCP MRCGP DipIMC(RCS Ed), Michael, Jevon RGN BSc(Hons) PGCE, Philip

Emergency Medicine Secrets

By Markovchick MD FAAEM FACEP, Vincent J., Pons MD FACEP, Peter T.

Key Topics in Accident and Emergency Medicine (Key Topics S.)

By Howarth, Paul A., Evans, Rupert J.

Managing Obstetric Emergencies and Trauma: The MOET Course Manual

By Howell, Charlotte, Grady, Kate, Cox, Charles

General Surgical Emergencies: An On-the-spot Guide

By Hill, James

Geriatric Emergency Medicine

By Meldon, Stephen, MA, O. John, Woolard, Robert

Accident and Emergency: Diagnosis and Management

By Brown, Anthony F. T.


By Black, John

Essential Wound Management -an Introduction for Undergraduates

By Gray, David