books by subject
Actors & Entertainers Biographies

Robert Mitchum

Tearing Down The Wall of Sound: The Rise and Fall of Phil Spector

Little Me: My life from A-Z

The Reluctant Jester


My Side of Life: The Autobiography

Best Foot Forward

Everything is Everything: As seen on BBC's CLIVE MYRIE'S CARIBBEAN ADVENTURE

All of Me: My Extraordinary Life - The Most Recent Autobiography by Barbara Windsor

The Alfie & Zoella A-Z: The Unofficial Ultimate Guide to the Vlogging Super-Couple


Ticket to the World: My 80s Story

I Know an Artist: The inspiring connections between the world's greatest artists

Caravaggio Biography

Outsider: Always Almost: Never Quite: II

David Lloyd George: The Great Outsider

Growing Up Native American: An Anthology

Exit Pursued by a Badger: An Actor's Journey Through History with Shakespeare

Bowie: The Biography

Bob Dylan: Performing Artist: 1974-1986

Joan Myers Brown and the Audacious Hope of the Black Ballerina: A Biohistory of American Performance

New Performance/New Writing

A Modern Man: The Best of George Carlin

Blues of a Lifetime: The Autobiography of Cornell Woolrich

A Monk Swimming


Bloomsbury Ballerina: Lydia Lopokova, Imperial Dancer and Mrs John Maynard Keynes


Living Out Loud