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Administration & Organisation in Education

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Second International Handbook of Urban Education (Springer International Handbooks of Education)

By Pink, William T., Noblit, George W.

Global Co-Mentoring Networks in Higher Education: Politics, Policies, and Practices

By Johannessen, B. Gloria Guzman

Education and the Struggle for Democracy (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Education OUP)

By Carr, Wilfred

Accountability in Education: A Philosophical Inquiry (Philosophy of Education Research Library)

By Wagner, Robert B.

Values of the University in a Time of Uncertainty

By Gibbs, Paul, Jameson, Jill, Elwick, Alex

World Class Universities: A Contested Concept (Evaluating Education: Normative Systems and Institutional Practices)

By Rider, Sharon, Peters, Michael A., Hyvönen, Mats, Besley, Tina

Working Knowledge: Work-Based Learning and Education Reform

By Bailey, Thomas R., Hughes, Katherine L.

Understanding Learning at Work

By Garrick, John, Boud, David

Community-University Partnerships in Practice

By Hart, Angie, Maddison, Elizabeth, Wolff, David

The University in Ruins

By Readings, Bill

Mission of the University (Foundations of Higher Education)

By Ortega y Gasset, Jose

The New Plantation: Black Athletes, College Sports, and Predominantly White NCAA Institutions

By Hawkins, B.

Participation, Power Sharing And... (The educational heretics series)

By Trafford, Bernard

Supporting Children in 21st Century Britain: A Compendium of Essential Information

By Rutter, Jill

Working with Disaffected Students: Why Students Lose Interest in School and What We Can Do About It (PCP Professional Series)

By Kathryn Riley, Elle Rustique-Forrester, Rustique-Forrester, Elle

Failing Working-class Girls

By Plummer, Gillian

Girls and Exclusion: Rethinking the Agenda

By Osler, Audrey, Vincent, Kerry

World Yearbook of Education 1999: Inclusive Education

By Daniels, Harry, Garner, Philip

Teachers Behaving Badly?: Dilemmas for School Leaders

By Myers, Kate

Governance of Higher Education: Global Perspectives, Theories, and Practices

By Austin, Ian

Effective Discipline in Primary Schools and Classrooms

By Munn, Pamela, Johnstone, Margaret, Chalmers, Val

Passing the Numeracy Skills Test (Achieving QTS Series)

By Patmore, Mark

High Performance Learning: How to become a world class school

By Eyre, Deborah

Process and Structure in Higher Education

By Becher, Tony, Kogan, Maurice

Organization and Administration in Higher Education

By Schloss, Patrick J., Cragg, Kristina M.

Creating a Service Culture in Higher Education Administration

By Mario C. Martinez, Brandy Smith, Katie Humphreys

Quality And Power In Higher Education

By Morley, Louise

Managing Change in Higher Education: A Learning Environment Architecture

By Ford, Peter, etc.

The Student Experience

By Haselgrove

Special Needs: Bridging the Curriculum Gap

By Solity, Dr. Jonathan, Bull, Shirley