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Administration & Organisation in Education

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Opting Out: Choice and the Future of Schools

By Rogers, Martin, Mohamed, Sandra

Choice and Equity in Education (Issues in Education S.)

By Walford, Geoffrey

The Education Crisis (Issues S.)

By Donnellan, Craig

Special Educational Provision in the Context of Inclusion: Policy and Practice in Schools

By Wearmouth, Janice

In Search of Wholeness: African American Teachers and Their Culturally Specific Classroom Practices

By Irvine, J.

Equality and Diversity in Education 1: Learning, Teaching and Managing in Schools: Experiences of Learning, Teaching and Managing Schools (Developing ... Equality and Diversity in Education)

By Armstrong, Felicity

Enabling Inclusion: Blue Skies...Dark Clouds? (Professional excellence in schools)

By O'Brien, Tim

Thinking Allowed: on Schooling

By Waters, Mick

International Education and Schools: Moving Beyond the First 40 Years

By -, Richard Pearce

The Study Skills Handbook (Palgrave Study Skills)

By Stella Cottrell

Developing Multiprofessional Teamwork For Integrated Children'S Services

By Anning, Angela

The Return Of The Mentor: Strategies For Workplace Learning (Education Policy Perspectives)

By Caldwell, Brian

Outstanding Teaching and Learning 14-19

By Lightbody, Bradley

Critical Incidents in Teaching (Classic Edition): Developing professional judgement (Routledge Education Classic Edition)

By Tripp, David

101 Ways To Deal With Bullying: A Guide for Parents

By Elliott, Michele

Take the Sting Out of Study (Take the sting out of study)

By McGinty, Frank

Restorative Justice Pocketbook

By Margaret Thorsborne, David Vinegrad, Phil Hailstone

Assessment: What's In It For Schools?

By Broadfoot, Patricia

From Exam Factories to Communities of Discovery: The democratic route: 38 (Bedford Way Papers, 38)

By Coffield, Frank, Williamson, Bill

Chemistry Now! 11-14 Pupil's Book

By Riley, Peter, Rizvi, Fazal

Improving School Effectiveness

By MacBeath, John

Creating the Effective Primary School (Primary Essentials Series)

By Smith, Roger

Rethinking Religious Education and Plurality: Issues in Diversity and Pedagogy

By Jackson, Robert

The Education of the Whole Child (Issues in Education S.)

By Erricker, Clive, Jane, Sullivan, Danny, Ota, Dr Cathy, Fletcher, Mandy

Profiles and Profiling: A Practical Introduction

By Hitchcock, G.

Equalit & Inequal Educ Policy (Open University Books)

By Dawtrey, Liz, Holland, Janet, Hammer, Merril, Sheldon, Sue

Debates and Issues in Feminist Research and Pedagogy (Open University Books)

By Holland, Janet, Blair, Maud, Sheldon, Sue

At School (Little Nippers: What Tools Do We Use?) (Little Nippers: What Tools Do We Use?)

By Vicky Parker

Research Methods in Educational Leadership and Management (Centre for Educational Leadership and Management)

By Coleman, Marianne, Briggs, Ann

Practitioner Research in Education: Making a Difference: 4 (Centre for Educational Leadership and Management)

By Middlewood, David, Coleman, Marianne, Lumby, Jacky