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Administration & Organisation in Education

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Reassessing the Impact of Teaching Assistants: How research challenges practice and policy

By Peter Blatchford (Professor in Psychology and Education at the Institute of Education, University of London, UK), Anthony Russell (Research Officer, Faculty of Children and Learning, Institute of Education, Rob Webster (Univer...

Guide to Education and Training for Primary Care

By Yvonne Carter, OBE, Neil Jackson

Teaching Peer Support for Caring and Co-operation: Talk time, a Six-Step Method for 9-12 Year Olds

By Tina Rae, Ruth M Macconville

Bullying: Identify, Cope, Prevent: Upper level

By R.I.C. Publications

School Life in the 1940s and 50s (Family Scrapbook S.)

By Gardner, Faye

Effective Group Work with Young People

By Jane Westergaard

Closing the Vocabulary Gap

By Alex Quigley (Huntington School, UK)

The Pocket Guide to Grant Applications

By Professor Iain Crombie (University of Dundee, Dundee, UK UK ), Dr Charles Du Ve Florey

Safety in science education

By Great Britain: Department for Education and Employment

Understanding Children's Learning: A Text for Teaching Assistants

By Alfrey, Claire

Becoming A Teacher: Issues In Secondary Education: Issues in Secondary Teaching

By Dillon, Justin

Study Skills – Studywise 1: Study Skills for 11-14 Year Olds

By Foster, John

Measuring the Effectiveness of Nurse Education: The Use of Performance Indicators

By Aru Narayanasamy

Leverage Leadership: A Practical Guide to Building Exceptional Schools

By Paul Bambrick-Santoyo, Doug Lemov, Brett Peiser

The Peace Ring

By Rosemary Hayes

In-service: The Teacher and the School

By Carol Donoughue, etc.

Taking Responsibility for Learning and Teaching: From Principles to Practice

By Chris Turner

Improving Our School Grounds

By Louise Spilsbury, John Spilsbury

Victorian Life: School

By Nicola Barber

Paying for Private Schools

By Howard Glennerster, Gail Wilson

Developing Careers Education and Guidance in the Curriculum

Managing Improving Primary Schools: Using Evidence-based Management

By Colin Conner, Geoff Southworth

Freedom to Learn

By Carl R. Rogers, H. Jerome Freiberg (both of University of Houston, Texas, USA)

Letters to the Prime Minister: The Future of Education

By Wragg, Ted

Department of Education and Science

By Sir William Pile

Talking, Listening, Learning

By Debra Myhill, Susan Jones, Rosemary Hopper

Assessing Children's Learning

By Mary Jane Drummond

The Team Around the Child: Multi-agency Working in the Early Years

By Iram Siraj-Blatchford, Karen Clarke, Martin Needham

Active Tutorial Work: Bk. 3: The Third Year

By Jill Baldwin, Harry Wells

Research and the Teacher: Qualitative Introduction to School-based Research

By Graham Hitchcock, David Hughes