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Advanced English as Foreign Language

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Nouvelles Perspectives, Reperes: Student's Book

By Jannetta, Joe, Moreton, Monique, Langlais, Jacqueline, Carter, John

Nouvelles Perspectives, Reperes: Teacher's Book

By Johnson, Malcolm, Jannetta, Joe

Teacher's Book (Points cardinaux)

By Peck, Antony, Vassie, Françoise

Teacher's Book (Points cardinaux)

By Clements, Bridget, Standen, Paul

Business Advantage Advanced Personal Study Book with Audio CD

By Rosenberg, Marjorie

AQA A-level Spanish Revision and Practice Workbook: Themes 3 and 4

By Thacker, Mike, Sanchez, José Antonio García, Weston, Tony

Our Town / Skin of Our Teeth / Matchmaker (Modern Classics S.)

By Wilder, Thornton

Living Spanish

By Robert Percy Littlewood

Edexcel A Level French (Includes AS) (Edexcel a/As French)

By Harrington, Karine, Thathapudi, Kirsty, Hares, Rod, O'Mahony, Wendy, Gregg, Amy, Education, Hodder, D'Angelo, Casimir, Gilles, Jean-Claude, Léchelle, Lauren

Na Klar! 1 - Higher Workbook B

By Spencer, Michael, Wesson, Alan

Collins Concise German Dictionary (Collins Concise)

Journey's End: Play (Heinemann Plays For 14-16+)

By Sherriff, R.C

AS/A-Level German 2nd Edition Exam Revision Notes

By Reimann, Thomas

Collins Improve Your Punctuation

By Graham King

Collins COBUILD Key Words for IELTS: Book 3 Advanced IELTS 7+ (C1+) (Collins English for IELTS)

By HarperCollins UK

Great War Literature Study Guide on "Journey's End"

By Lawrance, W.

Brilliant Answers to Tough Interview Questions (Brilliant Business)

By Hodgson, Susan

GCSE French Workbook - Higher

By CGP Books

Avance: Framework French Higher Workbook 1: Bk. 1

By Christie, Colin, Mayes, Eleanor, Mclachlan, Anneli

York Notes Advanced: A Midsummer Night's Dream

By Sherborne, Michael

Tchrs' (Pt. 2) (Nous les Francais)

By Rowlinson, WILLIAM

Apercus Livret (Signes du temps)

By Corless, Frank, Gaskell, Ralph, Heather

Zeitgeist 2: für OCR A2 Students' Book

By Schicker, Corinna

Élan 2: Pour OCR A2 Teacher's Book

By Danièle Bourdais

Équipe dynamique: Workbook Higher (EQUIPE DYNAMIQUE (10-11))

By Bourdais, Danièle, Finnie, Sue

Learning Through Listening: v. 6 (Advanced Pathfinder S.)

By Wright, Helen

AS/A2 English Literature: Intertextuality and Connections (pack of 10)

By Fynes-Clinton, Michael

AS/A2 English Literature: Intertextuality and Connections (pack of 10)

By Fynes-Clinton, Michael

Selected Poems of Philip Larkin (York Notes)

By Larkin, Philip

A Man for All Seasons (Acting Edition S.)

By Bolt, Robert