books by subject
Allied Health Professions

Rehabilitation Medicine for Elderly Patients

Gaucher's Disease

Spinal Cord Dysfunction: Volume II: Intervention and Treatment

Appreciating Practice in the Caring Professions: Re-focusing Professional Research and Development

Management of Violence and Aggression: A Manual for Nurses and Health Care Workers

In Stitches

Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Child and Adolescent Care: A Practical Guide for Healthcare Professionals

The Future for Health Promotion

Evidence Informed Nursing with Older People

Roy Adaptation Model, The

Health Studies: An Introduction

Mechanisms and Management of Pain for the Physical Therapist

Safer Healthcare: Strategies for the Real World

Care Planning in Children and Young People's Nursing

Complementary Therapies in Context: The Psychology of Healing

Mainstreaming Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Studies in Social Context

Respiratory Care: Essential Clinical Skills for Nurses

Put Your Heart in Your Mouth: Natural Treatment for Atherosclerosis, Angina, Heart Attack, High Blood Pressure, Stroke, Arrhythmia, Peripheral Vascular Disease

Stedman's Alternative and Complementary Medicine Words

Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing

Junqueira's Basic Histology: Text and Atlas, Fourteenth Edition

Gray's Anatomy for Students

Education of Children with Medical Conditions

Sociology, Nursing and Health

Mental Health Nursing: An Evidence Based Approach

Covid Vaccine Adverse Reaction Survival Guide

Theoretical Nursing: Development and Progress

Handbook of Evidence-Based Radiation Oncology

Oxford Handbook of Children's and Young People's Nursing