books by subject
Ancient Egyptian History & Civilisation

Hands on History: The Ancient Egyptians: Dress, eat. write and play just like the Egyptians

A Soldier's Life: Ancient Egypt

A Test Of Time: Volume One-The Bible-From Myth to History: v. 1

Egyptian Food and Drink (Shire Egyptology): 9


Crocodiles, Pyramids and Kings: Herodotus in Egypt (Crosslinks S.)

Ancient Egypt (History in Art)

Collins Primary Technology: Pyramids

Soldiers, Traders and Slaves: State Formation and Economic Transformation in the Greater Nile Valley, 1700-1885

Ancient Egypt (Sutton Pocket Histories)

Ancient Egypt (Kingfisher Voyages) (Kingfisher Voyages S.)

The Wisdom of the Egyptians: Religion of Ancient Egypt, the Book of the Dead, the Wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus, Egyptian Magic and the Book of Thoth (Forgotten Books)

The Nile, The

Cleopatra (Perspectives on History): Powerful Leader or Ruthless Pharaoh?

Ancient Egypt (Eyewitness Project Books)

Ancient Egypt Jigsaw Book

Awful Egyptians (Horrible Histories TV Tie-ins)

British Victory in Egypt, 1801: The End of Napoleon's Conquest

Ancient Egyptians (1) – Ancient Egyptians: The Kingdom of the Pharaohs Brought to Life

An Egyptian Mummy (You Wouldn't Want To Be)

The Lost Mummy (History Hunters S.)

Navigators Ancient Egypt

Ultimate Ancient Egypt Sticker Book (Ultimate Stickers)

The Best-ever Book of Pyramids

The Star-bearer: A Creation Myth from Ancient Egypt


Tutankhamun's Tomb (Double Take)

Giza: The Truth

Egypt and Nubia (Introductory Guides)