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Ancient History & Civilisation

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Rising Time Schemes in Babylonian Astronomy (SpringerBriefs in History of Science and Technology)

By Steele, John M.

The Stone Age: Hunters, Gatherers and Woolly Mammoths

By Williams, Marcia

The Origins of Agriculture in Europe (Material Cultures S)

By Thorpe, I. J.

Soul and Mind in Greek Thought. Psychological Issues in Plato and Aristotle: 20 (Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind, 20)

By Boeri, Marcelo D., Kanayama, Yasuhira Y., Mittelmann, Jorge

Interpreting Plato Socratically: Socrates and Justice

By Corlett, J. Angelo

Interpreting Plato Socratically: Socrates and Justice

By Corlett, J. Angelo

Socrates on the Life of Philosophical Inquiry: A Companion to Plato’s Laches (SpringerBriefs in Philosophy)

By Stefou, Konstantinos

Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology

By Smith, Claire

Using History to Develop Thinking Skills at Key Stage 2 (Nace/Fulton Publication)

By Wallace, Belle

The Viking Dig: Excavations at York

By Hall, Richard A.

Stories from Herodotus

By Wilson, Brian William J.G., Miller, David M.

Conceiving a Nation: Scotland to Ad 900 (New History of Scotland): Scotland to 900 Ad

By Gilbert Márkus

Vikings in Scotland: An Archaeological Survey

By Graham-Campbell, James, Batey, Colleen E.

Writing Ancient History

By Morley, Neville

The Discerning Barbarian's Guidebook to Roman Britain: People to Meet and Places to Plunder

By Rotherham, Lee

Scotland's Beginnings: Scotland Through Time

By Taylor, Michael, Kitchener, Andrew

A Christian Theology of Place (Explorations in Practical, Pastoral and Empirical Theology)

By Inge, John

Walking the Great North Line: From Stonehenge to Lindisfarne to Discover the Mysteries of Our Ancient Past

By Twigger, Robert

A Test Of Time: Volume One-The Bible-From Myth to History

By Rohl, David

The Gospels and Jesus (Oxford Bible S.)

By Stanton, Graham N, Graham N.

Prehistoric Europe: Theory and Practice (Blackwell Studies in Global Archaeology) (Wiley Blackwell Studies in Global Archaeology): 12

By Jones, Andrew

Villages in Roman Britain (Shire Archaeology): No. 49

By Hanley, Robin

The Story of the Amulet: 3 (The Psammead Series)

By Nesbit, E.

What Happened in History (Pelican S.)

By Childe, Gordon

The Aztecs (Indiana Jones Explores S.)

By Malam, John

Prehistoric Britain

By Darvill, T. C.

The Idea of Prehistory

By Daniel, Glyn, Renfrew, Lord Colin

The Invaders: v. 1 (Action History S.)

By Buxton, Steve

The Iron Age in Britain and Ireland (Recent Trends S.)

By Champion, T.C., Collis, J.R.

Out of Eden: The Peopling of the World

By Oppenheimer, Stephen