books by subject

Animal Rights

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Domestic Animal Behaviour and Welfare

By Donald Broom (Cambridge University, UK), Andrew Fraser (formerly Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada)

Picturing the Beast: Animals, Identity, and Representation

By Steve Baker

Sam and Chester: How a Mischievous Pig Transformed the Life of My Autistic Son

By Jo Bailey-Merritt

Justice for Animals: Our Collective Responsibility

By Martha C. Nussbaum

Run, Spot, Run: The Ethics of Keeping Pets

By Jessica Pierce (Center for Bioethics and Humanities, University of Colorado Denver, Anchutz Medical Campus in Denver, Colorado, USA)

Humane Livestock Handling: Understanding livestock behavior and building facilities for healthier animals

By Temple Grandin

City of Beasts: How Animals Shaped Georgian London

By Thomas Almeroth-Williams

Animal Geographies: Place, Politics, and Identity in the Nature-Culture Borderlands

By Jennifer Wolch, Jody Emel

Ethics on the Ark: Zoos, Animal Welfare, and Wildlife Conservation

By Bryan G. Norton (Bryan G. Norton)

Hoofprints on the Land: How Traditional Herding and Grazing Can Restore the Soil and Bring Animal Agriculture Back in Balance with the Earth

By Ilse Koehler-Rollefson, Fred Provenza

Rescue Me: The incredible true story of the abandoned Mastiff who became Fang in the Harry Potter movies

By Julie Tottman

Will You Take Me Home?: The brave rescue dog from the puppy farm who became a movie star

By Julie Tottman

Shark: Why we need to save the world's most misunderstood predator

By Paul de Gelder

Hope - How Street Dogs Taught Me the Meaning of Life: Featuring Rodney, McMuffin and King Whacker

By Niall Harbison

Babylon's Ark

By Graham Spence, Lawrence Anthony

How Animals Saved My Life: Being the Supervet: The perfect gift for animal lovers

By Professor Noel Fitzpatrick

The Year in Small Animal Medicine

By Jill E. Maddison, Mark G. Papich

Dog Years: A Memoir

By Mark Doty

Moose: A Detective Story

Animal Suffering: Philosophy and Culture

By E. Aaltola

Animals and Social Work: A Moral Introduction

By T. Ryan

Law Relating To Animals

By Deborah Legge, Simon Brooman

Green Harms and Crimes: Critical Criminology in a Changing World

By R. Sollund

Animals, Equality and Democracy

By S. O'Sullivan

Chaser: Unlocking the Genius of the Dog Who Knows 1000 Words

By Dr. John W. Pilley, Hilary Hinzmann

Where the Wild Things Were: Travels of a Conservationist

By Stanley Johnson

Fun Pets

Pleasurable Kingdom: Animals and the Nature of Feeling Good

By Jonathan Balcombe

Vegan Book of Permaculture: Recipes for Healthy Eating and Earthright Living


Defending Animals: Finding Hope on the Front Lines of Animal Protection

By Kendra Coulter