books by subject
Animal Sciences

Animals on the Farm (Little Owl Easy Readers S.)

Amphibians (Animal Young)

Bears (First Reading) (First Reading Level 2)

British Wildlife (Collins Wild Guide) (Collins Wild Guide S.)

Beetles (Minibeast Pets)

Reptiles (Animal Young)

Hide and Seek Animals

Panda (Proud Parents)

Let'S Look At Birds

Bears Don't Like Bananas (Poetry Picture)

Life of Vertebrates

Essentials of Behaviour Genetics

Ethoexperimental Approaches to the Study of Behavior: 48 (NATO Science Series D:, 48)

Aggression in Man and Animals

Where Did I Come From?: An Illustrated Childrens Book on Human Sexuality

Animal Behavior: Concepts, Processes and Methods

David Attenborough’s First Life: A Journey Back in Time with Matt Kaplan

Wild Predators: Wild Kratts (Step into Reading)

The Best of Gerald Durrell


Tigers (Jump! animals)

Pop-out Stencil Art: Safari Animals

Looking After Your Guinea Pig (Looking After Your Pet)

Animal Navigators (How animals behave)

Every Living Thing: The Classic Memoirs of a Yorkshire Country Vet

Every Living Thing: The Classic Memoirs of a Yorkshire Country Vet

The Lord God Made Them All: The Classic Memoirs of a Yorkshire Country Vet

If Only They Could Talk

Vets Might Fly