books by subject
Antiquarian Poetry

The Spanish Labyrinth: An Account of the Social and Political Background of the Spanish Civil War

Orwell Remembered

Pleasing God

Loot of Cities (Vintage Crime Classics)

Long Day's Journey into Night (The O'Neill Collection): 0

The Mill On The Floss (Everyman's Library)

Rob Roy

Prologue (The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales)

Practical Criticism - A Study of Literary Judgment

A First Book of Latin Poetry

Man and Superman

William Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream" (Chosen English Texts Notes)

Sacred Wood: Essays on Poetry and Criticism

Heartbeat: George Bush in His Own Words

Bks.I-XII (v. 1) (Loeb Classical Library)

The Canterbury Tales: Chaucer : Canterbury Tales (Everyman Classics)

Childhood, Boyhood and Youth (World's Classics S.)

The Pickwick Papers: 1 (New Oxford Illustrated Dickens)

The Turn Of The Screw

When We Are Married (Acting Edition S.)

An Inspector Calls: A Play

An Inspector Calls: A Play

Silver Poets of the 16th Century

Practical Criticism

Works: v. 2

See How They Run: Play

Duino Elegies, Bilingual edition (University of North Carolina Studies in the Germanic Languages & Literatures, No. 81)

The Winter's Tale (The new Penguin Shakespeare)

Nine Stories (World's Classics)