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Antiques & Collectables

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The Cigar Companion III: A Connoisseur's Guide (Companions)

By Bati, Anwer, Chase, Simon

Cultures of Collecting (Critical Views)

By Elsner, J

World's Great Clocks and Watches

By Jagger, Cedric

Twentieth Century Glass

By Cousins, Mark

Musical Instruments of the World: An Illustrated Encyclopaedia

By The Diagram Group

Rembrandt: -World of Art Series- (E)

By White, Christopher

Bonnard Drawings

By Mann, Sargy

"Which?" Guide to Buying Collectables ("Which?" Consumer Guides)

By Consumers' Association, Chilcott, Duncan

Glass Paperweights

By Mackay, James A.

The Invention of Childhood

By Hugh Cunningham, Cunningham, Hugh

1000 Record Covers: KO

By Ochs, Michael

The Renaissance: European Painting 1400-1600

By McMorquodale, Charles

Master Painters Cassatt

By Effeny, Alison

The Victorian Ironmonger

By Meadows, Cecil A.

Mechanical Music

By McElhone, Kevin

Doing Cultural Studies: The Story of the Sony Walkman (Culture, Media and Identities series)

By Paul du Gay, Stuart Hall, Linda Janes, Anders Koed Madsen, Hugh Mackay

Vinyl Countdown

By Graham Sharpe

Digital Audio Workstation (ELECTRONICS)

By Leider, Colby N.

The Officer of the Watch Telescope: 100 Years of Naval Tradition

By Buckman, Brian

Making The Leap: Moving from deputy to head

By Jill Berry

Magpies, Squirrels and Thieves: How the Victorians Collected the World

By Jacqueline Yallop

Klimt (Taschen Basic Art Series)

By Neret, Gilles, Klimt, Gustav

The Authentic Tudor and Stuart Dolls' House

By Long, Brian

Collector's Pocket Book

By Hughes, G.Bernard

Discovering Antiques: A Guide to the World of Antiques and Collectables

By Knowles, Eric

Sounds of Railways and Their Recording

By Handford, Peter

Miller's Collectables Price Guide 2002/2003 (Millers)

By Marsh, Madeleine

Costume, 1066-1966

By Peacock, John

Encyclopedia of Shells

By Wye, Kenneth R.

The Glasgow Boys: The Glasgow School of Painting 1875-1895

By Billcliffe, Roger