books by subject

Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls?: Search for the Secret of Qumran

Noah's Flood: The New Scientific Discoveries about the Event That Changed History

Rewriting The Bible: How Archaeology is Reshaping History

A Test Of Time: Volume One-The Bible-From Myth to History: v. 1

Classical Mythology

The Tomb of Christ

Fifth Gospel: The Gospel of Thomas Comes of Age

Greek Myths (Graphic Myths) (Graphic Myths S.)

Walking The Bible: A Journey By Land Through The Five Books Of Moses

Bible and Recent Archaeology

Two Queens of Heaven: Aphrodite And Demeter (Puffin Books)

The Early Greek Concept of the Soul (Mythos): 36 (Mythos: The Princeton/Bollingen Series in World Mythology)

Classical Dictionary: The Origins of the Names of Characters in Classical Mythology

The Beginnings of Jewishness: Boundaries, Varieties, Uncertainties: 31 (Hellenistic Culture and Society)

A Test Of Time: Volume One-The Bible-From Myth to History


Portrait of a Priestess: Women and Ritual in Ancient Greece

Livewire Investigates: The Dead Sea Scrolls

Walking the Bible: A Journey by Land Through the Five Books of Moses

Qumran (Cities of the Biblical World)

Light from the Ancient Past: The Archaeological Background of the Hebrew-Christian Religion. Vol. 2 (Princeton Legacy Library, 5168)

Light from the Ancient Past: The Archaeological Background of the Hebrew-Christian Religion. Vol. 1 (Princeton Legacy Library, 1899)

Egyptian Mythology: A Traveller's Guide from Aswan to Alexandria

Jericho: City of Biblical World (Cities of the Biblical World S.)

Excavation in Palestine (Cities of the Biblical World S.)

The Tale of the Tell (5): Archaeological Studies by Paul W. Lapp (Pittsburgh Theological Monograph)

A Brief History of Stonehenge

The Gods of Egypt

Treasures from Heaven: Relics from Noah's Ark to the Shroud of Turin