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Applied Mathematics Textbooks

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Spectral Methods in MATLAB

By Lloyd N. Trefethen (University of Oxford)

The Analysis of Covariance and Alternatives

By Bradley Huitema

Outliers in Statistical Data

By Vic Barnett, Toby Lewis

Marketing and the Bottom Line: Marketing and the Bottom Line

By Tim. Ambler

Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications

By A. Colin Cameron (University of California, Davis), Pravin K. Trivedi (Indiana University, Bloomington)

The Essence of Chaos

By Edward N. Lorenz

Interactive Data Analysis: A Practical Primer

By Don McNeil

Measuring Trees and Forests

By Michael S. Philip (formerly University of Aberdeen, UK)

Advanced Theory of Statistics

By Sir Maurice Kendall, Alan Stuart

Introducing C++ for Scientists, Engineers and Mathematicians

By Derek Capper

The American Military After 9/11: Society, State, and Empire

By M. Morgan

The Renegotiation of the Just War Tradition and the Right to War in the Twenty-First Century

By C. O'Driscoll

Social Forces and the Revolution in Military Affairs: The Cases of Colombia and Mexico

By J. Rochlin

Quantitative Approaches to Multidimensional Poverty Measurement

By N. Kakwani, J. Silber

Perspectives on Sino-American Strategic Nuclear Issues

By C. Twomey

Betraying Our Troops: The Destructive Results of Privatizing War

By Dina Rasor, Robert Bauman, Jonathan Alter

Energy Hedging in Asia: Market Structure and Trading Opportunities

By P. Fusaro, T. James

Energy Risk Modeling: Applied Modeling Methods for Risk Managers

By Nigel Da Costa Lewis

Forecasting Volatility in the Financial Markets

By John Knight, Stephen Satchell

Volatility and Correlation in the Pricing of Equity, FX and Interest-rate Options

By Riccardo Rebonato

Mathematical Models in Finance

By S.D. Howison (OCIAM University of Oxford), F.P. Kelly, P. Wilmott

Mean-variance Analysis in Portfolio Choice and Capital Markets

By Harry M. Markowitz (Distinguished Professor of Economics and Finance, Baruch College, City University of New York, USA)

Market Models: A Guide to Financial Data Analysis

By Carol Alexander

Rank Correlation Methods

By Sir Maurice Kendall

Games and Information

By Eric Rasmusen

The Reform of Social Security

By A.W. Dilnot, J. A. Kay, C. N. Morris

Growing Diversity: Genetic resources and local food security

By David Cooper, Renee Velve, Henk Hobbelink

Iraq's Sunni Insurgency

By Ahmed S. Hashim

An Introduction to Auction Theory

By Flavio M. Menezes (, Australian National University), Paulo K. Monteiro (, Escola de Pos-Graduacao em Economia da FGV)

Foundations of Non-Cooperative Game Theory

By Klaus Ritzberger (, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna)