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Applied Physics Textbooks

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Land Subsidence Analysis in Urban Areas: The Bangkok Metropolitan Area Case Study (Springer Environmental Science and Engineering)

By Zeitoun, David G., Wakshal, Eliyahu

Hydrogeology of Crystalline Rocks: 34 (Water Science and Technology Library, 34)

By Stober, I., Bucher, Kurt

Statistical Analysis of Natural Disasters and Related Losses (SpringerBriefs in Earth Sciences)

By Pisarenko, V.F., Rodkin, M.V.

The Magnetospheric Cusps: Structure and Dynamics

By Fritz, Theodore A., Fung, Shing F.

Basement Tectonics 12: Central North America and Other Regions: 6 (Proceedings of the International Conferences on Basement Tectonics, 6)

By Hogan, John P., Gilbert, M. Charles

Basement Tectonics 13: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Confenrence on Basement Tectonics, held in Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A., June 1997 ... Conferences on Basement Tectonics, 7)

By Sinha, A. Krishna

Basement Tectonics 10: 4 (Proceedings of the International Conferences on Basement Tectonics, 4)

By Ojakangas, Richard W., Dickas, Albert B., Green, John C.

Basement Tectonics 11 Europe and Other Regions: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Basement Tectonics, held in Potsdam, Germany, ... Conferences on Basement Tectonics, 5)

By Oncken, O., Janssen, C.

Granite: From Segregation of Melt to Emplacement Fabrics: 8 (Petrology and Structural Geology, 8)

By Bouchez, J.-L., Hutton, D., Stephens, W.E.

Hydrogeophysics: 50 (Water Science and Technology Library, 50)

By Rubin, Yorum, Hubbard, Susan S.

Principles of Applied Geophysics

By Parasnis, D.S.

Fundamentals of Protein NMR Spectroscopy: 5 (Focus on Structural Biology, 5)

By Rule, Gordon S., Hitchens, T. Kevin

Application of Soil Physics in Environmental Analyses: Measuring, Modelling and Data Integration (Progress in Soil Science)

By Teixeira, Wenceslau Geraldes, Ceddia, Marcos Bacis, Ottoni, Marta Vasconcelos, Donnagema, Guilheme Kangussu

Seismic Events in Glaciers (GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences)

By Gorski, Marek

Image Processing Using Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks

By Lindblad, Thomas, Kinser, Jason M.

Geospatial Analysis and Modelling of Urban Structure and Dynamics: 99 (GeoJournal Library, 99)

By Jiang, Bin, Yao, Xiaobai

New Approaches to Nonlinear Waves: 908 (Lecture Notes in Physics, 908)

By Tobisch, Elena

Nuclear Medicine Radiation Dosimetry: Advanced Theoretical Principles

By McParland, Brian J

Equilibrium Between Phases of Matter: Phenomenology and Thermodynamics

By Oonk, H.A.J., Calvet, M.T.

Equilibrium Between Phases of Matter: Supplemental Text for Materials Science and High-Pressure Geophysics

By Jacobs, M.H.G., Oonk, H.A.J.

Detect and Deter: Can Countries Verify the Nuclear Test Ban?

By Dahlman, Ola, Mackby, Jenifer, Mykkeltveit, Svein, Haak, Hein

Earthquake Phenomenology from the Field: The April 20, 2013, Lushan Earthquake (SpringerBriefs in Earth Sciences)

By Wu, Zhongliang, Jiang, Changsheng, Li, Xiaojun, Guangjun, Ding, Zhifeng

Sensing Emotions: The impact of context on experience measurements: 12 (Philips Research Book Series, 12)

By Westerink, Joyce, Krans, Martijn, Ouwerkerk, Martin

Air-Ice-Ocean Interaction: Turbulent Ocean Boundary Layer Exchange Processes

By Mcphee, Miles

The Physics of Living Systems (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics)

By Cleri, Fabrizio

Biosensing: International Research and Development

By Schultz, Jerome, Mrksich, Milan, Bhatia, Sangeeta N., Brady, David J., Ricco, Antionio J., Walt, David R., Wilkins, Charles L.

Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals: From Viscoelastic Properties to Living Liquid Crystals (Springer Theses)

By Zhou, Shuang

The Essential Tension: Competition, Cooperation and Multilevel Selection in Evolution (The Frontiers Collection)

By Bahar, Sonya

Arrays and Array Methods in Global Seismology

By Gu, Yu Jeffrey

Encyclopedia of Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series)

By Gubbins, David, Herrero-Bervera, Emilio