books by subject
Archaeology by Region

Infernal Traffic: Excavation of a Liberated African Graveyard in Rupert's Valley, St Helena

Hadrian's Wall

Hertfordshire to Norfolk

Understanding Roman Inscriptions

Hidden Treasures

Prehistoric Avebury

Grettir's Saga

Home: A Time Traveller's Tales from Britain's Prehistory

Under Another Sky: Journeys in Roman Britain

Classical Athens

Men of Honour: Trafalgar and the Making of the English Hero

Hieroglyphs: Writing of Ancient Egypt

The Pyramid Builder: Cheops, the Pharaoh Behind the Great Pyramid

The Earliest Inhabitants: The Dynamics of the Jamaican Taino

Patriots and Liberators

Secret Chamber - The Quest For The Hall Of Records

How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs : A step-by-step guide to teach yourself

Disraeli: A Brief Life

A Battle Lost: Romans and Caledonians at Mons Graupius

The Glory of Venice: Art in the Eighteenth Century

Stonehenge (English Heritage Guidebooks)

Shadowlands: A Journey Through Lost Britain

Timpson's Time Paths: Journeys Through History from the Stone Age to Steam

The Rape of the Nile: Tomb Robbers, Tourists, and Archaeologists in Egypt, Revised and Updated

Ancestors: A prehistory of Britain in seven burials

Heraklion Museum - Illustrated Guide

Roman Britain: A Very Short Introduction

The Making of the British Landscape: How We Have Transformed the Land, from Prehistory to Today

The Oxford Illustrated History of the Crusades