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The Mountain of Names: History of the Human Family (Kodansha Globe S.)

By Shoumatoff, Alex

Splendours of the Past: Lost Cities of the Ancient World

By National Geographic Society

Law and Society in England (Social Science Paperbacks)

By Roshier, Bob, Teff, Harvey

The Golden Bough

By Frazer, Sir James George

Fallen Glory: The Lives and Deaths of Twenty Lost Buildings from the Tower of Babel to the Twin Towers

By James Crawford

Art and History of Pompeii (Bonechi Art and History Series)

By Giuntoli, Stefano, Martinelli, Maurizio, Pauli, Erika

What Is Paleolithic Art?: Cave Paintings and the Dawn of Human Creativity

By Clottes, Jean, Martin, Oliver Y., Robert D.

Modern Sociological Theory (McGraw-Hill International Editions Series)

By Ritzer, George

An Introduction to Archaeology

By Adkins, Lesley, Roy A., Wilkinson, Henrietta

Archaeology: An Introduction

By Greene

The Search for El Dorado (Lost Civilizations S.)

By Brown, Dale

Musics of Many Cultures: An Introduction

By May, Elizabeth

A Century of Mendelism: Proceedings of a Conference Organised by the Galton Institute, London 2000

By Peel, Robert A., Timson, John

Ecology and Archaeology: 77 (Studies in Biology)

By Dimbleby, G. W.

Un Nouveau Patriotisme français, 1750-1770: la France face à la puissance anglaise à l’époque de la guerre de Sept Ans: 365 (Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment)

By Dziembowski, Edmond

Culture and Depression: Studies in the Anthropology and Cross-Cultural Psychiatry of Affect and Disorder: 16 (Comparative Studies of Health Systems and Medical Care)

By Kleinman

AS Sociology for AQA

By Livesey, Chris, Lawson, Tony

The Give and Take of Everyday Life: Language, Socialization of Kaluli Children (Studies in the Social and Cultural Foundations of Language, Series Number 9)

By Schieffelin, Bambi B.

Mysterious Britain

By Bord, Janet, Colin

Race in North America: Origin and Evolution of a Worldview

By Smedley, Audrey

Food and the Status Quest: An Interdisciplinary Perspective: 1 (Anthropology of Food & Nutrition, 1)

By Wiessner, Polly, Schiefenhövel, Wulf

Coevolution: Genes, Culture, and Human Diversity

By Durham, William H.

Citadels Of Mystery

By L Sprague De Camp and Catherine C De Camp

Man the Hunter

By Lee, Richard Borshay

Domesticated: Evolution in a Man-Made World

By Richard C. Francis

The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality

By Diop, Cheikh Anta

Reading Benedict / Reading Mead: Feminism, Race, and Imperial Visions (New Studies in American Intellectual and Cultural History)

By Janiewski, Dolores, Banner, Lois W.

Understanding Cities: Bk. 4: City Themes (Course DD304 S.)

By Brook, C., Pain, K., Christopher, Kathy

The Analysis of Prehistoric Diets (Studies in Archaeology)

By Gilbert, Robert I., Mielke, James H.

Ur " Of The Chaldees " :

By Sir Leonard Woolley, P.R.S. Moorey, Pauline Harrison