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Architecture References

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101 Things I Learned in Architecture School (The MIT Press)

By Matthew Frederick

1 available

The David & Charles Book of Castles

By Somerset Fry, Plantagenet

1 available

An Outline of European Architecture (Pelican Books)

By Pevsner, Nikolaus, Nikolaus Pevsner

1 available

Reinforced Concrete Designer's Handbook

By Reynolds, Charles E., Steedman, James C.

Architect's Guide to Venice (Butterworth Architecture Architects Guides)

By Salvadori, Antonio

Scottish Architecture (World of Art)

By Miles Glendinning, Aonghus MacKechnie

Encyclopaedia of Architecture

By Yarwood, Doreen


By Howard, Peter, Webster, Helena

Dictionary of Architecture (Brockhampton Reference Series (Art & Science))

By None

Architect's Guide to Paris (Butterworth Architecture Architect's Guides)

By Salvadori, Renzo

Dictionary of Art and Artists (World of Art S.)

By Read, Herbert

Dk Eyewitnesss Architecture (Dk Eyewitness Companions)

By Glancey, Jonathan

New City: Contemporary Architecture in the City of London

By Alec Forshaw, Photography by Alan Ainsworth

Wrought Iron (Shire Library)

By Hayman, Richard

Architecture (Eyewitness Companions)

By Glancey, Jonathan

Five Faces of Modernity: Modernism, Avant-garde, Decadence, Kitsch, Postmodernism

By Calinescu, Matei

Guide To The Architecture Of London

By Jones, Edward, Woodward, Christopher

The Penguin Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture: Fifth Edition (Dictionary, Penguin)

By Honour, Hugh, Fleming, John, Pevsner, Nikolaus

A Visual Dictionary of Architecture

By Ching, Francis D.K

Urban Landscape Perspectives: 2 (Urban and Landscape Perspectives, 2)

By Maciocco, Giovanni

Rome: Art and Architecture

By Konemann

Rome: Art and Architecture

By Marco Bussagli

Architecture: The World's Greatest Buildings Explored and Explained

By Stevenson, Neil

Reinforced and prestressed concrete

Introduction to Architecture

By Gardiner, Stephen

The Seven Lamps of Architecture (Dover Architecture)

By Ruskin, John

Spatial Planning for a Sustainable Singapore

By Wong, Tai-Chee, Yuen, Belinda, Goldblum, Charles

Fundamental Trends in City Development: 1 (Urban and Landscape Perspectives, 1)

By Maciocco, Giovanni

The World of Architecture

By Holberton, Paul

DIY: Design it Yourself (Design Handbooks)

By Lupton, Ellen