books by subject
Art Books for Young Adults

Young Cartoonist (Young artist)

Make Your Own Greeting Cards (Red Fox activity books)

Littlest Book of van Gogh I

Let's Play with Paper

Draw 50 Cars, Trucks and Bikes (Draw 50 S.)

Disney: "Aladdin" (Disney Book of the Film)

Print Book (Jump! Craft S.)

The Complete Guide to Drawing Comics

Tots and the Brass Band ("Tots TV" Story Books)

Collage Book (Jump craft)

Usborne Guide to Photography From Beginner to Expert

Gross Jokes

Victorian Art (Art in History)

Ancient Roman Art (Art in History)

Ancient Egyptian Art (Art in History)

Ancient Greek Art (Art in History)

Chinese (World Art & Culture)

Fun Crafts for Kids

Fun with Fabric (Creative Crafts)

Make an Animation! (Find Your Talent)

How to Draw Cars

Body Art: Body Painting (Body Art)

Body Art: Hair Decorations (Body Art)

Digital Photography

Kites (Fresh Start S.)

20th Century Design: 40s & 50s War and Post-War Years (Pb)

20th Century Design: 20s & 30s Between the Wars (Pb)

20th Century Art: 1920-40 Realism and Surrealism (Cased)

Internet-linked Introduction to Modern Art (Usborne Internet Linked)