books by subject
Art History
A Split Second of Paradise: Live Art, Installation and Performance
Eugene Delacroix 1798-1863: Paintings, Drawings, and Prints from North American Collections
Kantor Was Here: Tadeusz Kantor in Great Britain
Joan Jonas: Performances Film Installations 1968-2000
Performance Art: No. 38 (Art & Design Profile S.)
Franko B: Oh Lover Boy!
The Age of Illusion: Art and Politics in France, 1918-40
catalogne romane: Sculptures du Val de Boi
The Acropolis (English language edition), Through its Museum
Art and Society in Roman Britain
With a Poet's Eye: A Tate Gallery Anthology
Brera Gallery: The Official Guide (Touring club of Italy)
Musee National Du Moyen Age
Mrs Delany: Her Life and her Flowers
Mother's Songs: Images of God the Mother
50 Art Ideas: You Really Need to Know (50 Ideas You Really Need to Know series)
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili: The Strife of Love in a Dream
Design: A Concise History
African Elegance
Art and Society in Africa
Cult of Progress: As seen on TV (Civilisations)
Titian. History & Techniques Of The Great Masters
Fragile Cargo: China’s Wartime Race to Save the Treasures of the Forbidden City
Christiana Herringham and the Edwardian Art Scene
Story of Art
Of Sirens and Centaurs: Medieval Sculpture in Exeter Cathedral
The Private Life of a Masterpiece
Burlesque and the Art of the Teese/ Fetish and the Art of the Teese
Matisse: The Sensuality of Colour (New Horizons)