books by subject
Arts & Photography

Piero Della Francesca, "The Flagellation" (Art in Context)

Le Corbusier And the Tragic View of Architecture (The architect and society)

Hindu Art (Art History)

Byzantium (British Museum Introductory Guides)

Mediaeval Decorative Art (Introductory Guides)

The Elgin Marbles (Introductory Guides)

Bruckner (Illustrated Musical Biography S.)

Classic Art: An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance

Italian Painters of the Renaissance: Florentine and Central Italian Schools v. 2

Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century

Italian Renaissance Sculpture (Introduction to Italian Sculpture)

Bruegel (Colour Plate Books)

The Symbolists

Constable: Paintings, Drawings and Watercolours

Story of Art

Encyclopaedia of Surrealism

Picture History of Art


Lamp of Beauty: Writings on Art by John Ruskin (Landmarks in art history)

Constable (Colour Plate Books)

Pre-Raphaelites (Colour Plate Books)

A Handbook of Roman Art: A Survey of the Visual Arts of the Roman World: 0000

Athens and Attica (Cultural Guides)

The New Guide to Illustration: 0000

The Movie Book

Century: One Hundred Years of Human Progress, regression, Suffering and Hope 1899-1999

The Movie Book

The Art Book for Children (GB DOCUMENTAIRE)

Made in North Korea: Graphics from Everyday Life in the DPRK