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Arts & Photography

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Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness

By Richard H. Thaler, Cass R Sunstein

A Bit of a Stretch: The Diaries of a Prisoner

By Chris Atkins

The Physiognomy

By Ford, Jeffrey

After the Dresden Bombing: Pathways of Memory, 1945 to the Present

By A. Fuchs


By Jon Davison


By collectif

Creative Rebellion for the Twenty-First Century: The Importance of Public and Interactive Art to Political Life in America

By D. Boros

The Grapes of Ralph: A Journey of Discovery Around the Vineyards of the World

By Ralph Steadman

Art Prehistorique (L')


Eichmann and the Holocaust (Penguin Great Ideas)

By Arendt, Hannah

A Day with Picasso

By Susanne Pfleger

The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House (Penguin Modern)

By Lorde, Audre

Polar Exploration: Journeys to the Arctic & Antarctic (Be an eyewitness to... the daring exploits of the polar explorers)

By Bramwell, Martyn

How to Poo at Work: The golden rules of relieving yourself in the workplace

By Mats and Enzo

Old and New: Combining Past and Present in Contemporary Homes

By Katherine Sorrell

Graphic Sayings

By David Kindersley

To Defend the Revolution Is to Defend Culture: The Cultural Policy of the Cuban Revolution

By Rebecca Gordon-Nesbitt, Jorge Fornet

Creative Christmas: The Gift of Colouring for Grown-ups

Art Matters: Because Your Imagination Can Change the World

By Neil Gaiman, Chris Riddell

Bruegel's "Tower of Babel": Little Builder in a Red Hat

By Nils Jockel

Darwin's Sacred Cause: Race, Slavery and the Quest for Human Origins

By Desmond, Adrian, Moore, James

The Descent of Man: Selection in Relation to Sex (Penguin Classics)

By Desmond, Adrian, Darwin, Charles, Moore, James

People of Faith: Slavery and African Catholics in Eighteenth-Century Rio de Janeiro

By Mariza de Carvalho Soares, Jerry Dennis Metz

Letter to My Mother

By Georges Simenon

The Distance of the Moon

By Italo Calvino

Letter from Birmingham Jail (Penguin Modern)

By Jr., Martin Luther King

Lance: Vladimir Nabokov (Penguin Modern)

By Nabokov, Vladimir

Why I Am Not Going to Buy a Computer

By Wendell Berry

Daydream and Drunkenness of a Young Lady: Clarice Lispector (Penguin Modern)

By Lispector, Clarice

Investigations of a Dog

By Franz Kafka, Michael Hofmann