books by subject
Astronomy Books for Young Adults

Nature Guide Stars and Planets (DK Nature Guide)

Pocket Edition 100 Facts Space (100 FACTS POCKET EDITION)

The Planets (Starry Sky S.)

Guide to the Galaxy (Klutz)

Star Wars: Ewoks Join the Fight: Star Wars Young Readers

GCSE (9-1) Astronomy: A Guide for Pupils and Teachers

Space Travel for the Under Tens

The Solar System

Children's Reference: Earth & Space

Let's Look at the Sky (First Discovery/Torchlight)

3D Thrillers: Space

In Space (Little Nippers: Where We Work...)


Against All Gods: the epic conclusion to the WHO LET THE GODS OUT series: Who Let the Gods Out? 4

Backpack:Space Paper

Internet-linked Astronomy (Usborne Discovery S.)

The Reader's Digest Children's Book of Space

How Do They Do That?: How Did Robots Land on Mars? (How'd They Do That?)

Space Atlas (Picture reference)

Let's Explore Saturn (Blast Off)

Stars and Planets (Encyclopedia 96)

Star Wars Sticker Story

Star Wars: Use the Force!: Star Wars Young Readers

Space (Mobile Books)

Looking at the Night Sky (Q & A Earth & Space S.)

Big Book of Stars & Planets (Usborne Big Books)

Brick by Brick Space

Super Space Science: Journey to Mars

Space Exploration (Fantastic Facts S.)