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Atlases for Children

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The Children's Atlas of People and Places: Travel the World and Visit People in Far-off Lands (Apple Children's Atlas S.)

By Wood, Jenny, Munro, David

Oxford Primary Atlas

By Wiegand, Patrick

Atlas Of People and Places (Atlases)

By Steele, Philip

All Around Me: Primary Atlas

By Hourihane, Jim

Atlas of Adventures: A collection of natural wonders, exciting experiences and fun festivities from the four corners of the globe.

By Letherland, Lucy

The Travel Book: A journey through every country in the world (Lonely Planet Kids)

By Kids, Lonely Planet

World Atlas (Collins - Longman Atlases)

By Scoffham, Stephen, etc.

Oxford Student Atlas 2012

By Wiegand, Patrick

Ginn Geography:Junior Map Skills Photocopy Masters

Mapstart 1 Copymasters (Collins Mapstart)

By Catling, Simon

Philips's Desk Reference Atlas (World Atlas)

By Philips

Atlas (Funfax S.)

Get Lost!: Little Hare Books

By Van Deelen, Fred

Philip's Children's Atlas

By Wright, David, Jill

An Illustrated Atlas of South America and Antarctica (Continents in Close-up) (Continents in Close-up S.)

By Malcolm Porter

World Atlas (Just the Facts)

By TickTock Books

Collins School Atlas – School Atlas (World Atlas)

By Unknown

Philip's Foundation Atlas

By Philip's Maps


By Wiegand, Patrick

A First Atlas of the World (Atlases)

By Thornford, Charles

Know the World!: 30 Outline Maps to Improve Your General Knowledge

By David Green, Green, David

Collins-Longman Atlas: No. 2

Oxford International Student Atlas

By Wiegand, Patrick

Discovery World Stage E: Maps Big Book

Children’s Atlas of the Bible

By Wansbrough, Henry

Picture Atlas for Children (Hamlyn Reference)

By Gorton, Julia, Price, Nick

Maps and Globes (Blue Rainbow S.)

By Sabrina Crewe, Crewe, Sabrina, Coster, Patience

geog.atlas (geog.123 4th edition)

By Gallagher, Rosemarie

Map Maze Book (Maze Books)

By Smith, Sam, Various