books by subject
Autism Spectrum Disorder

Getting Your Kid on a Gluten-Free Casein-Free Diet

The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Mystic of the Atom

Joseph Conrad - The Mirror of the Sea and A Personal Record (Wordsworth Literary Lives)

Reading People: How to Understand People and Predict Their Behaviour Anytime, Anyplace

Autism: How to raise a happy autistic child

Shooting Martha

All the Little Bird-Hearts: Longlisted for the Booker Prize 2023

A Different Sort of Normal: The award-winning true story about growing up autistic

Everything You Need

Autism: A Social and Medical History

22 Things a Woman Must Know If She Loves a Man with Asperger's Syndrome

Falling Awake

Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve: Self-Exercises for Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, and Autism

A Different Kettle of Fish: A Day in the Life of a Physics Student with Autism

Health Issues: Autism

The Kids' Guide to Staying Awesome and In Control: Simple Stuff to Help Children Regulate their Emotions and Senses

How to Be Yourself in a World That's Different: An Asperger Syndrome Study Guide for Adolescents

Robin and the White Rabbit: A Story to Help Children with Autism to Talk about their Feelings and Join In

Kids in the Syndrome Mix of ADHD, LD, Autism Spectrum, Tourette's, Anxiety, and More!: The one-stop guide for parents, teachers, and other professionals

Autism: A New Introduction to Psychological Theory and Current Debate

Diagnosis - Reactions in Families: A Booklet for Families of a Young Child with a Diagnosis of Autism

The Autism Discussion Page on the core challenges of autism: A toolbox for helping children with autism feel safe, accepted, and competent

Playing, Laughing and Learning with Children on the Autism Spectrum: A Practical Resource of Play Ideas for Parents and Carers

Sam and Chester: How a Mischievous Pig Transformed the Life of My Autistic Son

The Girl in the Spider's Web: A Dragon Tattoo story

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

The Paperbag Prince (Red Fox Picture Books)

Queerly Autistic: The Ultimate Guide For LGBTQIA+ Teens On The Spectrum

The Power of Different: The Link Between Disorder and Genius