books by subject

Baha'u'llah and the New Era

Olya's Story: A Survivor's Personal and Dramatic Account of the Persecution of Baha'is in Revolutionary Iran

Understanding Biblical Prophecy: 3 (Preparing for a Baha'I and Christian Dialogue)

Paris Talks: Addresses Given by Abdul Baha in 1911

Title: Hidden Words and Selected Writings

The Baha'i Faith: An Introduction

Remembrance of God: A Selection of Baha'i Prayers and Holy Writings

From Global Crash to World Identity

Crown of Beauty: Baha'i Faith and the Holy Land

Understanding Christian Beliefs: v. 2 (Preparing for a Baha'i/Christian Dialogue)

The Baha'I Faith: The Emerging Global Religion

Call to the Nations: Extracts from the Writings of Shoghi Effendi

The Hidden Words

'Abdu'l-Baha's Journey West: The Course of Human Solidarity

World Order of Baha'u'llah: Selected Letters

The Bab and the Babi Community of Iran

Jewish Identities in Iran: Resistance and Conversion to Islam and the Baha'i Faith

Scripture and Revelation: Papers Presented at the First Irfan Colloquium, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, December 1993, and the Second Irfan Colloquium, Wilmette, Illinois, USA, March 1994

So Great an Honor: Becoming a Baha'i

The Baha'i Faith (Living Religions)

Religion in the Contemporary World: A Sociological Introduction

A Reader's Guide: The Development of Baha'i Literature in English

A Basic Baha'i Dictionary

Basic Baha'i Chronology

Kitáb-i-Iqán: The Book of Certitude

Some Answered Questions

Promised Day is Come

Babi and Baha'i Religions: From Messianic Shiism to a World Religion

Baha'i Prayers: A Selection