books by subject
Bible Commentaries
A Fail-Safe Way for You to Receive the Holy Spirit
Collegeville Bible Commentary New Testament Volume 5: The Acts Of The Apostles
New Testament Commentaries: the Gospel According to St Luke (Black's New Testament Commentaries)
1 & 2 Kings: A Bible Commentary for Every Day
The Bible's Hidden Cosmology
Deuteronomy: A Bible Commentary for Every Day
The Confessions
Hosea-Jonah: Hosea to Jonah
Judges: A Story of God's Power: An Expositional Commentary
Reformed Expository Commentary: Daniel
Mark: A Commentary on His Apology for the Cross
Jeremiah: A Bible Commentary for Every Day
Job: A Bible Commentary for Every Day
Haggai and Malachi
The Epistles of Paul to the Colossians and to Philemon: An Introduction and Commentary
Revelation: An Introduction and Commentary - Victory for Suffering Saints Through Righteousness and Truth
Romans: An Introduction and Commentary
WCS 1 Samuel: Dawn of a Kingdom
Urban God: Bible Readings and Comment on Living in the City
Colossians: A Commentary
Genesis: Translation and Commentary
For Everyone Bible Study Guides: Matthew (NT for Everyone: Bible Study Guide)
Reading Hebrews and James: A Literary and Theological Commentary
Feasting on the Word: Lent through Eastertide