books by subject
Bible References

Exploring the New Testament Vol 1

The Doctrines of Genesis 1-11: A Compendium and Defense of Traditional Catholic Theology on Origins

The Ultimate Speakers Handbook: 1000 Stories for All Occasions

Anchor Bible Dictionary: v. 2: (D-G)

Anchor Bible Dictionary: v. 3: (H-J)

Anchor Bible Dictionary: v. 4: (K-N)

Anchor Bible Dictionary: v. 5: (O-Sh)

Meeting God (Lifebuilder Study Guides)

The Compact Guide to the Bible

First and Second Kings

First and Second Kings

Exploring New Testament Greek: A Way In


Behind the Fourth Gospel

Johannine Faith and Liberating Community

Life Lessons: Genesis: Genesis

Duffer's Guide to Theology: The Tutorial Notes of Michael Alexander

The Book of Revelation and the Johannine Apocalyptic Tradition

The Covenanted Self: Exploration in Law and Covenant

The Psalms and the Life of Faith

Psalms II: Heart Cries to God

Praying the Lord's Prayer


First Timothy

Matthew (Lifebuilder Study Guides): Being Discipled by Jesus

The Earthy Nature of the Bible: Fleshly Readings of Sex, Masculinity, and Carnality

The Earthy Nature of the Bible: Fleshly Readings of Sex, Masculinity, and Carnality

The Signgificance of the Message of the Resurrection for Faith in Jesus Christ

Revelation of St. John: Apocalypse