books by subject
Bible Studies

The Me I Want to Be Bible Study Participant's Guide: Becoming God's Best Version of You

The Holy Spirit: Understanding His work in our lives (Good Book Guides)

God's Big Picture: Tracing the Storyline of the Bible

All of the Women of the Bible: 316 Concise Biographies

The Women of Easter

Hinds Feet on High Places Complete and Unabridged by Hannah Hurnard

Spiritual Gifts (Lifebuilder Study Guides)

This Day with God: Guide Through the Bible

A Few Good Men: Inspiring Biblical heroes for todays' Christian men

When Men Think Private Thoughts: Exploring the Issues that Captivate the Minds of Men

New Daylight: Daily Readings from the Bible: September to December 1999


Fleeting Shadows - How Christ transforms the darkness: Cover to Cover Lent

Flora & Fauna of the Bible

The MAP: Making the Bible Meaningful, Accessible, Practical

Job: Wrestling with God

The Lost History of Christianity: The Thousand-Year Golden Age of the Church in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia--And How It Died

The Room Where It Happens: A Lent course for groups or individuals based on the musical Hamilton

The Oxford Bible Commentary

One2One: Real Men: Exploring together what a Christian man thinks and does: 4

Ephesians: Free to be One (Crossway Bible Guides)

Amazing Acts: Act 1: Enjoying the Real Life Drama of Acts 1:1 to 9:31

Deuteronomy: A Bible Commentary for Every Day

The People's Bible Commentary: Psalms 1 - 72

Pilgrims and Peacemakers: A Journey Towards Jerusalem

Developing the Leaders around You

The Barnabas Childrens' Bible

Lectio Divina: Spiritual Reading of the Bible (Deeper Christianity)

30 Life Principles