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Physical Chemistry for the Chemical and Biological Sciences

By Chang R.

Introduction to Molecular Thermodynamics

By Hanson, Robert, Green, Susan

X-Ray Crystallography

By Girolami, Gregory S.

Getting into GP Training: a complete guide to Stages 1, 2, 3 and 4

By Ciarán Conway

Plasticity of Muscle: Proceedings of a Symposium held at the University of Konstanz, Germany, September 23–28, 1979

By Pette, Dirk

Recent Advances in Steroid Hormone Action

By Moudgil, V. K.

Asthma: Structural Basis - Theophylline Today / Strukturelle Grundlagen - Theophyllin heute (English and German Edition)

By Kummer, Friedrich

Mega Molecules: Tales of Adhesives, Bread, Diamonds, Eggs, Fibers, Foams, Gelatin, Leather, Meat, Plastics, Resists, Rubber, . . . and Cabbages and Kings

By Elias, Hans-Georg, Neeb, Rolf

Dietary Fibre ― A Component of Food: Nutritional Function in Health and Disease (ILSI Human Nutrition Reviews)

By Schweizer, Thomas F., Edwards, Christine A.

DNA Microarrays: Gene Expression Applications (Principles and Practice)

By Bertrand Jordan

Biological Radiation Effects

By Jürgen Kiefer

PCR: Clinical Diagnostics and Research (Springer Laboratory)

By Rolfs, Arndt, Schuller, Irmela, Finckh, Ulrich, Weber-Rolfs, Ines

Proteome Research: New Frontiers in Functional Genomics (Principles and Practice)

By Wilkins, Marc R., Williams, Keith L., Appel, Ron D., Hochstrasser, Denis F.

Hormonal Signaling and Postembryonic Development (Biotechnology Intelligence Unit)

By Tata, Jamshed R.

Basic Concepts in Physics: From the Cosmos to Quarks (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics)

By Masud Chaichian, Hugo Perez Rojas, Anca Tureanu

Observations on the Soviet / Canadian Transpolar Ski Trek (Medicine and Sport Science)

By Shephard, Roy J., Rode, A., Caine, D. J., Hills, A. P., Noakes, Professor Tim, Borms, J., Hebbelinck, M.

Procalcitonin - Biochemistry and Clinical Diagnosis

By Meisner, Michael

Methods and Experiences in Impact Assessment

By Becker, Henk A., Porter, Alan L.

Neurotoxicity Risk Assessment: Environmental Health Criteria Series No. 223: Principles and Approaches


Biochemistry; Physiology (Unit 22-23) (Course S102)

A Dictionary of Chemistry (Oxford Paperback Reference)

By OUP, Daintith, John

Regulation in Metabolism

By Newsholme, Eric, Start, Carole M.

Amino Acid Metabolism

By Bender, Dr David A.

A Workbook of Clinical Chemistry: Case Presentation and Data Interpretation

By D Mayne, Philip, P Day, Andrew

Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry (LANGE Basic Science)

By Murray, Robert, Granner, Darryl, Mayes, Peter, Rodwell, Victor

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

By Skloot, Rebecca

Seed Dormancy and Germination (Tertiary Level Biology)

By Bradbeer, J.W.

Biochemistry: An Illustrated Outline

By Williams, David J.

Conformational Proteomics of Macromolecular Architecture: Approaching the Structure of Large Molecular Assemblies and Their Mechanisms of Action (With CD-Rom)

By Cheng, R Holland, Hammar, Lena

The Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy: What Animals on Earth Reveal about Aliens – and Ourselves

By Kershenbaum, Arik