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Growing Problem: Pesticides and the Third World Poor

By Bull, David


By Mottershead, Rona

Christianity and Ecology (World Religions & Ecology S.)

By Breuilly, Elizabeth, Palmer, Martin

Environmental Responses (OU-Wiley Environment Series)

By Blowers, Andrew, Hinchliffe, Steve

Sacred Nature: How we can recover our bond with the natural world

By Armstrong, Karen

Imperiled Reef: The Fascinating, Fragile Life of a Caribbean Wonder

By Sandy Sheehy (author)

Wildfowl 44 (Wildfowl Journal)

By Kear, Janet

The Wilderness Cure

By Wilde, Mo

Eden: the second book Watch Us Grow

By Martin Jackson

Hills and Streams: Ecology of Hong Kong: An Ecology of Hong Kong

By Dudgeon, David

Essentials of Ecology

By Townsend, Colin R, Harper, John L., Begon, Michael, John L, Micheal

Creation Spirituality: Liberating Gifts for the Peoples of the Earth

By Fox, Matthew

Silent Spring (Penguin Modern Classics)

By Carson, Rachel, Shackleton

Behavioural Ecology: An Evolutionary Approach, 4th Edition

By Krebs, J. R.

Ecological Design

By Ryn, Sim Van Der, Cowan, Stuart

Water Quality and Stress Indicators in Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems: Linking Levels of Organisation (Individuals, Populations, Communities) - ... 6-7 September 1993 (FBA Special Publications)

By Sutcliffe, David W.

Seventy-five Years in Ecology: British Ecological Society (Special Publication Number ...of the British Ecological Society)

By Sheail, John

Exploring Social Geography

By Jackson, Professor Peter, Smith, J.

Population Ecology of the Cooperatively Breeding Acorn Woodpecker. (MPB-24) (Monographs in Population Biology)

By Koenig, Walter D., Mumme, Ronald L.

A Hierarchical Concept of Ecosystems. (Monographs in Population Biology, No. 23)

By O'Neill, Robert V., Deangelis, Donald Lee, Waide, J. B., Allen, T. F. H.

An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms (Complex Adaptive Systems)

By Mitchell, Melanie

Problem Solving in Environmental Biology

By Ennos, Roland, Bailey, Stuart

Sweet in Tooth and Claw: nature is more cooperative than we think

By Ohlson, Kristin

Agricultural Ecology

By Joy Tivy

Globalization and the Environment: Capitalism, Ecology and Power

By Newell, Pete

Land and Labour: Marxism, Ecology and Human History

By Martin Empson

Michel Serres and the Crises of the Contemporary (Michel Serres and Material Futures)

By Rick Dolphijn

The Politics and Economics of Britain's Foreign Aid: The Pergau Dam Affair (Routledge Explorations in Development Studies)

By Lankester, Tim

Marx's Ecology: Materialism and Nature

By Foster, John Bellamy

Living with Uncertainty: New Directions in Pastoral Development in Africa

By Scoones, Ian