books by subject
Biographies & Histories
Engels, Manchester & the Working Class
Understanding Business Processes
An Introductory History of British Broadcasting
I Knew I Was Right: Memoirs
Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations (Basic Books Classics)
A Primer on Money, Banking, and Gold (Peter L. Bernstein's Finance Classics)
The Prudence of Mr. Gordon Brown
The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II
The Population History of Britain and Ireland 1500-1750 (New Studies in Economic and Social History)
Managing Strategic Surprise: Lessons From Risk Management And Risk Assessment
Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics: Entrepreneurship and the State
The Mystery Of Capital
Polar Bear Pirates: A Grown Up's Book for Kids at Work
Selling Politics: Accompanies the TV Series We Have Ways of Making You Think
Empire of the Clouds: When Britain's Aircraft Ruled the World
No Angel: The Secret Life of Bernie Ecclestone
Branson: Behind the Mask
Tickle The Public: One Hundred Years of the Popular Press
From Trucial States to United Arab Emirates
The Industrial Age: Economy and Society in Britain 1750-1995
Short History of the International Economy Since 1850
The Age of Plunder: England of Henry VIII, 1500-47 (Society & Economic History of English)
The Age of Elizabeth: England Under the Later Tudors, 1547-1603 (Society & Economic History of English)
The Vital Century: England's Developing Economy, 1714-1815 (Social and Economic History of England)
Lords of the Rim
Wedding Babylon
The Financial Times: A Centenary History
Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't