books by subject
Biographies on Novelist & Playwrights

Trains and Buttered Toast: Selected Radio Talks

Summoned by Bells: A Verse Autobiography

Byron: Life and Legend

Deep Romantic Chasm: Diaries, 1979-1981

Summoned by Bells

Young Betjeman

Betjeman Country

Summoned by Bells

Respiration and Gaseous Exchange (Bk. 7) (Experimental work in biology)

Diffusion and Osmosis (Bk. 6) (Experimental work in biology)

The Luminous Life of Lilly Aphrodite: Bk. 4 (Experimental Work in Biology)
John Strachey (Lives of the Left)

La Vida De Lazarillo De Tormes (Hispanic Texts)

Making It Up As I Go Along

Siegfried Sassoon: Making of a War Poet v. 1

Siegfried Sassoon: The Journey from the Trenches 1918-1967

Siegfried Sassoon: Making of a War Poet v. 1: A Biography: Making of a War Poet v. 1 (Duckbacks): The Making of a War Poet

Siegfreid Sassoon

George MacKay Brown: The Wound and the Gift

Chinese Love Poetry (Gift Books)

Poets by Appointment: Britain's Laureates

George Eliot's "Middlemarch": 5/6 (Study in English Literature)

The Life of John Milton

Deceived With Kindness: A Bloomsbury Childhood

Why Mrs Blake Cried: William Blake and the Erotic Imagination

Will In The World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare

Charles Dickens (British Library Writers' Lives) (British Library Writers' Lives S.)

Mary Shelley (British Library Writers' Lives) (British Library Writers' Lives S.)

Joseph Conrad (British Library Writers' Lives) (British Library Writers' Lives S.)