books by subject
Biography Reference
A New Dictionary of Saints: East and West
Benjamin Franklin: An American Life
Who's Who 1975
100 Great Lives
Who's Who In The Roman World :
The Cricketers' Who's Who 2022
Heroes and Villains of History 1564 AD-1799 AD (Colour, Keep, & Learn)
Collins English Dictionary Complete and Unabridged edition: Over 700,000 words and phrases
Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale and Edith Cavell (Comparing People from the Past)
A Scottish Soccer Internationalists' Who's Who, 1872-1986
Lifelines: Famous Contemporaries from 600 BC
Who's Who in Late Mediaeval England, 1272-1485 (Who's Who in British History): v. 3
Mirror Talk: Genres of Crisis in Contemporary Autobiography
Peter Lanyon: Modernism and the Land (Essays in Art and Culture)
Chambers Biographical Dictionary
Great Britons
Notable Names in Anaesthesia
Brief Lives: Twentieth-century Pen Portraits from the "Dictionary of National Biography"
The Irish 100 - A Ranking of the Most Influential Irish Men and Women of All Time
Halliwell's Who's Who in the Movies
Who's Who in Shakespeare's England
Usborne Tales of Real Escape (Real Tales S.)
Who's Who 2009 (Who's Who): An Annual Biographical Dictionary
Fascinating Celebrity Facts
BOTHAM’S CENTURY: My 100 great cricketing characters
History Makers: 100 Most Influential People of the Twentieth Century
My Old Man and the Sea: A Father and Son Sail around Cape Horn
Who's Who in Late Mediaeval England, 1272-1485: 3 (Who's Who in British History): v. 3