books by subject
Biological Taxonomy & Systematics

An Introduction to the Invertebrates

Biogeography and Ecology of Bulgaria: 82 (Monographiae Biologicae, 82)

History of Insects

Forest Entomology in West Tropical Africa: Forest Insects of Ghana

African Biodiversity: Molecules, Organisms, Ecosystems

South American and Antarctic Continental Cenozoic Birds: Paleobiogeographic Affinities and Disparities (SpringerBriefs in Earth System Sciences)

Insects as Natural Enemies: A Practical Perspective

Beyond Evolution: Human Nature and the Limits of Evolutionary Explanation

Nutrition and Feeding of Fish (Aquaculture)

Fisheries Acoustics: 5 (Fish & Fisheries Series, 5)

Karyotypes of Parasitic Hymenoptera

Created from Animals: The Moral Implications of Darwinism (Oxford Paperbacks)

Calculation of Demographic Parameters in Tropical Livestock Herds: A discrete time approach with LASER animal-based monitoring data

Patterns of Life: Biogeography of a changing world

Deep Time: Cladistics, The Revolution in Evolution

The Genus Conophytum: A Conograph

Evolution: an introduction

The Rhododendron Species, Vol. 2: Elepidote Species (Arboreum-Lacteum)

The Origins of Life: From the Birth of Life to the Origin of Language

Ordering Life: Karl Jordan and the Naturalist Tradition

Virus Taxonomy: Classification and Nomenclature of Viruses

The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture

An Introduction to the Invertebrates

The Names of Plants

Information Technology, Plant Pathology and Biodiversity

Charles Darwin's Barnacle and David Bowie's Spider: How Scientific Names Celebrate Adventurers, Heroes, and Even a Few Scoundrels

The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Botany (Oxford Reference S.)

Biology of Spiders

The Variety of Life: A Survey and a Celebration of all the Creatures that Have Ever Lived