By Martin Bland (Professor of Health Statistics, Professor of Health Statistics, University of York)
By Aitkin, Murray, Francis, Brian, Hinde, John, Darnell, Ross
By Petrie, Aviva, Sabin, Caroline
By Hart, Anna
By Harris, Michael, Taylor, Gordon, Michael Harris, Gordon Taylor
By Stanton A. Glantz, Brian K. Slinker
By Ralf Schulze, Heinz Holling, D. Bohning
By Michael Harris, Gordon Taylor
By Bland, Martin
By Michael Harris (Associate Postgraduate Dean, Severn School of Primary Care, Bristol), Gordon Taylor (Reader in Medical Statistics, University of Bath), Daniel Jackson (University of Surrey, UK)
By Kirkwood, Betty
By Everitt, B. S.
By Brian S. Everitt
By Campbell
By Gianluca Baio (Department of Statistical Science, university college london, UK)
By Norman Thomas John Bailey
By Bowers, David
By Altman, Douglas, Gardner, Martin
By Tim Halliday, Basiro Davey
By M. G. Myriam Hunink, Paul P. Glasziou (University of Oxford), Joanna E. Siegel, Jane C. Weeks, Joseph S. Pliskin (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
By Last, John M.
By Sandra Hempel
By Frederick M. Toates
By Michael Harris (Professor of Primary Care and former General Practitioner, Bath, UK), Gordon Taylor (Professor of Medical Statistics, College of Medicine and Health, University of Exeter
By Campbell, Michael J., Machin, David
By Douglas G. Altman