books by subject
Book Notes

The "Iliad" (Cliffs Notes) (Cliffs Notes S.)

CliffsNotes on Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

CliffsNotes on Shelley's Frankenstein

King Henry IV, Part 1: Cliffs Notes

Notes on Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" (Cliffs notes)

Notes on Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew" (Cliffs notes)

Notes on Shakespeare's "Tempest" (Cliffs notes)

CliffsNotes on Shakespeare's the Winter's Tale

Notes on Dickens' "Bleak House" (Cliffs notes)

Notes on Hardy's "Mayor of Casterbridge" (Cliffs notes)

Cliffs Notes on Dickens' Oliver Twist

Notes on Milton's "Paradise Lost" (Cliffs notes)

Notes on Joyce's "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" (Cliffs notes)

CliffsNotes on Camus' The Stranger

The Republic (Sparknotes Literature Guide)