books by subject
Botany & Plant Sciences

Factors Governing Gene Expression in Plants

Field Guide to Trees of Britain, Europe and North America

The Tropical Forest and Its Environment

Plant Secondary Metabolites: Occurrence, Structure and Role in the Human Diet


An Empire of Plants: People and Plants That Changed the World

How to Tell the Birds from the Flowers: A Manual of Flornithology for Beginners

Street Trees of Egypt

Weed Flora of Egypt

Seeds of Hope: Wisdom and Wonder from the World of Plants

Mr.Marshal's Flower Book

The Mushroom Guide and Identifier: The Ultimate Guide to Identifying, Picking and Using Mushrooms

The Wild Trees: What If the Last Wilderness is Above Our Heads?

Edible Wild Plants & Herbs: A Compendium of Recipes and Remedies

The EU and Human Rights

Mixed Doubles

The Amazing World of Plants

Piano Time: 3

'Cherry' Ingram: The Englishman Who Saved Japan's Blossoms

Applied Plant Virology

Introduction to the History of Plant Pathology

Adventitious Root Formation in Cuttings

Plant Diseases and Vectors: Ecology and Epidemiology

A Look Beyond Transcription: Mechanisms Determining Mrna Stability and Translation in Plants

Amazonian Deforestation and Climate

Flooding and Plant Growth

Transgenic Trees

Essential Plants for Small Gardens

Oak: The Frame of Civilization