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Bullying & anti - bullying strategies

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1998 (The Grants Register)

By Austin, Ruth

Changing Our Schools (In Search of a Therapist)

By Stoll, Louise

Managing Change in Schools: A Practical Handbook

By Newton, Colin, Tarrant, Tony

It's About Learning: What's in it for Schools?

By Stoll, Louise

Effective Sixth Forms

By Great Britain: Office for Standards in Education

The Great University Gamble: Money, Markets and the Future of Higher Education

By McGettigan, Andrew

Improving Learning through Consulting Pupils

By Rudduck, Jean

Managing Pastoral Care (Cassell Studies in Pastoral Care & Personal & Social Education)

By Calvert, Mike

How to be a Successful Head of Year: A practical guide

By Carline, Brian

The SENCO Handbook: Working within a Whole-School Approach

By Cowne, Elizabeth

Discipline in Schools: Committee of Enquiry Report. Chmn.Lord Elton

By Elton, Lord, Education & Science, Dept.of

Why Education Is Useless

By Daniel Cottom

How to Get Into Oxbridge: A Comprehensive Guide to Succeeding in Your Application Process (Elite Students Series)

By See, Dr. Christopher

The Equality Act for Educational Professionals: A Simple Guide to Disability Inclusion in Schools (David Fulton / Nasen)

By Grant, Moyra, Hills, Geraldine

Improving Schools and Inspection: The Self-Inspecting School

By Neil Ferguson, Peter Earley, Brian Fidler, Janet Ouston

Rethinking Appraisal and Assessment

By Simons, Helen, Elliott, John

An Introduction to Teacher Appraisal: A Professional Development Approach (School development)

By Bollington, Rob, etc., Hopkins, David, West, Mel

The SENCO Survival Guide: The nuts and bolts of everything you need to know (nasen spotlight)

By Edwards, Sylvia

Education, Policy and Social Justice: Learning and Skills (Continuum Studies in Lifelong Learning)

By Avis, James

Education Policy and Social Reproduction: Class Inscription & Symbolic Control

By Davies, Brian, Evans, John, Fitz

The education debate: Policy and Politics in the Twenty-First Century (Policy and Politics in the Twenty-first Century Series)

By Ball, Stephen J.

Change Forces With A Vengeance

By Fullan, Michael

Post-Compulsory Education and Lifelong Learning across the United Kingdom: Policy, organisation and governance: 37 (Bedford Way Papers, 37)

By Hodgson, Ann, Spours, Ken, Waring, Martyn, Gallacher, Jim, Gardner, Stuart, Gayle, Vernon, Gunning, Dennis, James, David, Keep, Ewart, Lowe CBE FRSE, Janet, Raffe, Rees, Gareth

Policies, Politics and the Future of Lifelong Learning (Future of Education from 14+)

By Hodgson, Ann

Restructuring Schools, Reconstructing Teachers: Responding to Change in the Primary School

By Woods, Peter, Jeffrey, Bob, Troman, Geoff, Boyle, Mari

Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook: A Short Guide to Her Ideas and Materials

By Montessori, Maria

Teachers' Case Studies in Educational Management

By Preedy, Maggie

A Ghaidhlig Agus Beachdan Nan Sgoilearan: Cothroman Leasachaidh Ann Am Foghlam Tro Mheadhan na Gaidhlig

By NicLeoid, Sileas

Teaching Montessori in the Home: Pre-School Years: The Pre-School Years

By Hainstock, Elizabeth G., Havis, Lee


By Sheerin, Susan, Susan Sheerin