books by subject
Business Aspects of Writing

How to Write and Sell a Book Proposal

How to Publish Your Own EBook 2

Writer's Handbook 2001

Confessions of a Bookseller: THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER

Granta 56: What Happened to Us? - Britain's Valedictory Realism

MY BACK PAGES: An undeniably personal history of publishing 1972-2022: 2022

Instead of a Letter

Internet Book Piracy: The Fight to Protect Authors, Publishers, and Our Culture

Stet: an Editor's Life

The Writer's Handbook 2004

Browse: Love Letters to Bookshops Around the World

Victorian Women's Magazines: An Anthology

Writing Your Dissertation, 3rd Edition: The Bestselling Guide to Planning, Preparing and Presenting First-Class Work

Writers' and Artists' Yearbook 2009: A Directory for Writers, Artists, Playwrights, Designers, Illustrators and Photographers (Writers' & Artists' Yearbook)