books by subject
Business Decision Making Skills

Key Management Models (Financial Times Series)

Finance Basics (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)

Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don't Know

Leadership U: Accelerating Through the Crisis Curve

The Business Environment

Emotional Success: The Motivational Power of Gratitude, Compassion and Pride

Getting More: How You Can Negotiate to Succeed in Work and Life

Think Like a Freak: Secrets of the Rogue Economist

Who Killed Change?: Solving the Mystery of Leading People Through Change

Market Models: A Guide to Financial Data Analysis

Managing Hedge Fund Risk: From the Seat of the Practitioner - Views from Investors, Counterparties, Hedge Funds and Consultants

Decision Making and Problem Solving Strategies

Improving Your Memory

Risk Management: Approaches for Fixed Income Markets

Strategic Management of Development Programmes

Decision-Making in an Organizational Context: Beyond Economic Criteria

Avoiding Corporate Breakdowns: The Nature and Extent of Managerial Responsibility

Energy Risk Modeling: Applied Modeling Methods for Risk Managers

Psychoanalytic Accounts of Consuming Desire: Hearts of Darkness

Best Inclusion Practices: LGBT Diversity

Software Business Start-up Memories: Key Decisions in Success Stories

The Future of Knowledge Management

Finding Meaning in Business: Theology, Ethics, and Vocation

Amp It Up: Leading for Hypergrowth by Raising Expectations, Increasing Urgency, and Elevating Intensity

The Reputation Game: The Art of Changing How People See You

The Long View: Why We Need to Transform How the World Sees Time

Direct: The Rise of the Middleman Economy and the Power of Going to the Source

Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking

Greater: Britain After the Storm