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Business & Economic History

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Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and the Growth Mechanism of the Free-Enterprise Economies

By Eytan Sheshinski, Robert J. Strom, William J. Baumol

The Ethics of the Market

By J. Meadowcroft

The Summit: The Biggest Battle of the Second World War - fought behind closed doors

By Ed Conway

Bronze Age Economics: The First Political Economies

By Timothy Earle

Foundations of Modern Econometrics: The Selected Essays of Ragnar Frisch

By Olav Bjerkholt

Principles of Political Economy

By John Stuart Mill, Jonathan Riley

Economic Theory and Christian Belief

By Andrew Britton, P.H. Sedgwick

Capitalism and Its Economics: A Critical History

By Douglas Dowd

Frugality: Rebalancing Material and Spiritual Values in Economic Life

By Hendrik Opdebeeck, Laszlo Zsolnai, Luk Bouckaert

The Road to Freedom: How to Win the Fight for Free Enterprise

By Arthur Brooks

The Puritan Gift: Reclaiming the American Dream Amidst Global Financial Chaos

By Kenneth Hopper, William Hopper, Russell L. Ackoff

Capitalism Unleashed: Finance, Globalization, and Welfare

By The Late Andrew Glyn (Formerly of Oxford University)

God and Gold: Britain, America and the Making of the Modern World

By Walter Russell Mead

Contours of the World Economy 1-2030 AD: Essays in Macro-Economic History

By Angus Maddison (, The late Emeritus Professor of Economic Growth and Development, University of Groningen)

Capitalism in Crisis (Volume 1): What's gone wrong and how can we fix it?

By Charles Hampden-Turner, Linda O'Riordan, Fons Trompenaars

Capitalism in Crisis (Volume 2): How can we fix it?

By Charles Hampden-Turner, Fons Trompenaars, Linda O'Riordan

The Quest for God and Guinness: A Biography of the Beer That Changed the World

By Stephen Mansfield

Firm Commitment: Why the corporation is failing us and how to restore trust in it

By Colin Mayer (Peter Moores Professor of Management Studies, SAID Business School, University of Oxford, Peter Moores Professor of Management Studies, University of Oxford)

Culture and Enterprise: The Development, Representation and Morality of Business

By Emily Chamlee-Wright (Beloit College, USA), The late Don Lavoie

The Singapore Story: Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew

By Lee Kuan Yew

Redeeming Capitalism

By Kenneth J. Barnes, Miroslav Volf

The Passions and the Interests: Political Arguments for Capitalism before Its Triumph - Twentieth Anniversary Edition

By Albert O. Hirschman

The Commercial Society: Foundations and Challenges in a Global Age

By Samuel Gregg

Le monde selon Amazon

By Berthelot, Benoit

The Anti-Capitalism Reader: Imagining a Geography of Opposition

By Joel Schalit

Identity Economics: Social Networks and the Informal Economy in Nigeria

By Kate Meagher

In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies (Collins Business Essentials)

By Peters, Thomas J., Waterman Jr., Robert H.

Predatory Globalization: A Critique

By Richard Falk (Princeton University, USA)

Gifts, Corruption, Philanthropy: The Ambiguity of Gift Practices in Business

By Peter Verhezen

After Capitalism

By David Schweickart