books by subject
Business Ethics

Foot Work: What Your Shoes Tell You About Globalisation

100 Activities for Teaching Research Ethics and Integrity

The Activist Leader: A New Mindset for Doing Business

Supremacy: AI, ChatGPT and the Race That Will Change the World

Direct: The Rise of the Middleman Economy and the Power of Going to the Source

A Very Human Future: Enriching Humanity in a Digitized World

The Happy Index: Lessons in Upside-Down Management

Teach Yourself Ethics

Good Value: Choosing a Better Life in Business

Charity and Philanthropy For Dummies

Exposure: From President to Whistleblower at Olympus

Leveraging Corporate Responsibility: The Stakeholder Route to Maximizing Business and Social Value

Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron

System Error: Where Big Tech Went Wrong and How We Can Reboot

Crash Landing: The Inside Story Of How The World's Biggest Companies Survived An Economy On The Brink

Bad Deeds: Dirty Money 3

Damage Control: Dirty Money 2

End Game: Dirty Money 4

Hard Rules: Dirty Money 1

Goldman Sachs: The Culture of Success

Connect: How companies succeed by engaging radically with society

The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management, Business Ethics

The Corrosion of Character: The Personal Consequences of Work in the New Capitalism

Humanistic Ethics in the Age of Globality


The Glass Closet: Why Coming Out is Good Business

Humanistic Management in Practice

21st Century Management: Leadership and Innovation in the Thought Economy

Organization, Society and Politics: An Aristotelian Perspective