books by subject
Business & Home Office

Web Concept and Design

Access 97 for Windows For Dummies

VBA For Dummies

Teach Yourself PowerPoint 97 Visually (Teach Yourself Visually)

Statistical Analysis with Excel For Dummies

Mastering Lotus Smartsuite for Windows 95

SPSS for Windows Made Simple

Excel 2013 All-in-One For Dummies

Learn Excel 2011 for Mac

Discrete Systems and Digital Signal Processing with MATLAB

Excel for Beginners (Beginners S.)

Word Magic (Computer Wizards)

Interactivity By Design

Microsoft Office for Windows '95 For Dummies

Microsoft Office 97 Professional 6 in 1 Step by Step (Step by Step Series)

Digital Photography: Everything You Need to Know to Take Stunning Photographs

Excel 97 Basic Skills (Software Guide)

Basic Excel 2000 (Ict Skills for Schools)

Advanced ECDL: Wordprocessing (Payne-Gallway Advanced ECDL)

Advanced ECDL: Spreadsheets (Payne-Gallway Advanced ECDL)

Basic Projects in Word 2007 (Basic Projects)

The Adobe Photoshop CS3 Book for Digital Photographers

Microsoft Office Access 2007 QuickSteps

PRINCE 2 Pocketbook (Programme & Project Management Library)

Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel: International Edition

Statistics Without Maths for Psychology: Using SPSS for Windows

Brilliant Word 2007

Software Runaways: Lessons Learned from Massive Software Project Failures

Macromedia Flash MX: Training from the Source: Training from Source