books by subject

Human Rights, Inc.: The World Novel, Narrative Form, and International Law

Relationships Between Child Anthropometry and Mortality in Developing Countries: Implications for Policy, Programs, and Future Research

Air Portfolios 3, Douglas DC-9 & McDonnell Douglas MD-80: No. 3

Workers' Control (Modern Society S.)

Preparing the Perfect Medical CV: A comprehensive guide for Doctors and Medical Students on how to succeed in your chosen field (BPP Learning Media) (Progressing Your Medical Career): Study Text

It's Never Ok to Kiss the Interviewer: And Other Secrets to Surviving, Thriving and High Fiving at Work

Lexique français/anglais des Clichés de presse et expressions du quotidien

L'anglais du marketing

Marketing & publicité en 20 dossiers

Harrap's Business French: English-French/French-English

Business French (Made Simple Series)

Pocket Dictionary of Business French (Pocket dictionaries)

Lexique anglais-français / français-anglais du BTP

Dictionnaire Economique, Commercial & Financier

Bilingual Dictionary of Book Publishing

Professional Secretary's Encyclopedic Dictionary

Cfa Level I 2014: Volume 1 -- Ethical and Professional Standards and Quantitative Methods (Cfa Program Curriculum)

Pocket Economist: The Essentials of Economics from A to Z


Album 4 CV

A Dictionary of Human Resource Management

The Clipper Ships (Seafarers S.)

A Dictionary of Business and Management (Oxford Paperback Reference)

A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Management Research (Very Short, Fairly Interesting & Cheap Books)

Oxford Wordpower: Słownik Angielsko-Polski/Polsko-Angielski: S Ownik Angielsko-Polski/Polsko-Angielski

The Just Economy

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing

Project Appraisal and Planning for Developing Countries

Public Enterprise Economics